[@Phantomlink959] The man steps out of the car and lets out a breath as he scanned the area. The fence in itself looked ancient and the years have not been kind to them. Though all things considered, the graveyard was serene and emanated a sense of rest as all grave yards should. [color=brown]"The report said that the sighting was on the far right corner of the cemetery. We should start the investigation there, but first we need to make sure nobody is within the graveyard and no one would enter the place while we conduct the investigation."[/color] The man then turns to face his partner. [color=brown]"Any particular manner you want to do this, Argus?"[/color] [hr] [@KatherinWinter] [@Raining] The hustle and bustle of the early morning rush caused significant congestion of traffic. Though if it was any merit, the two arrived on scene only a couple minutes off the expected time of arrival Astra had predicted. Though the matter was now locating the vampire agent. It was still relatively early in the morning, but Astra knew that even low levels of sunlight was troublesome to vampires. Parking the car in an alley way half a block away from the what Astra could surmise to be the 'Chinese place' Griffin had mentioned. It was rather inconvenient that the vampire did not mention what specific Chinese place and on what street it was, but the golem agent found a location that would most likely where the vampire agent would be. [color=slategray]"The Jade Orchid. Most likely the 'Chinese place' Griffin had mentioned. Location is well shaded and the shop would not open until later this morning, minimizing the event of interaction with regular humans. Essie, would you require some form of disguise or glamour spell to hide your non-human characteristics?"[/color]