[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170609/6993f16961e0f0769efda621e785818a.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=998849]October 31st, 1943 - Set Up Begins [/color][/b][hr][hr][/center] As the Carnivale started to move passed the gate, Gio informed them they could set up across the road from the Kitchen House. It was the largest plot of open land closest to the front gate and away from the main house so it only made sense. Samson nodded and Jonesy lead the caravan of trucks and trailers down the main road slowly and into the grass. The line of vehicles following in a large line as far into the grass as they could and over to the tree line before Jonesy stopped the main truck. Climbing out of the lead truck, Samson leaned on his cane as he walked, toddling along s he glanced around. Jonesy was slowly to follow but eventually caught up. The trucks all pulled up and parked. Slowly men started jumping out of them and heading over to Jonesy and Samson. None of them looked like anything in particular. Perhaps just hands to set up and run the place? They didn't look like they were any sort of act or had any talents but hey, looks could be deceiving right? "Alright you slackers, let's get this place set up. We got a show to put on this evenin'!" he yelled out once all the [url=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-n4tGl7WM8es/Un_kFMI_y5I/AAAAAAAAJsg/jsIU65kY_P0/s1600/Carnivale-S2001.JPG]rousteys had gathered around[/url]. "You serious? We're setting up here?" [url=https://img.sharetv.com/shows/characters/large/carnivale.burley.jpg]one man[/url] called out from under his mustache. Jonesy stepped up and got into his face. "Yeah and if you got a problem with it you can take a powder for all I care Burley, now get to work," Jonesy snapped at him in a firm voice. "Oh come on, we have been going for weeks, this place ain't got nothing for us and you know it. Management just taking us on a shit cruise," Burely barked back. "Hey, enough, we do what she says," a new voice said as it crept through the crowd. A [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/carnivale/images/8/80/Ben_Hawkins.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/280?cb=20140927060415]young man[/url] came though, holding his side as if he had a cramp and looked slowly around the group. "You heard the boy, now get to work," Samson said. Burley didn't like it but kicked the ground and stormed off motioning for the other men to follow as they started to unload. Jonesy looked over towards Samson and the boy. "Ben, management say anything to you?" Shaking his head he plucked a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up. "Naw, you know her. She's even worse than the he was when it comes to explainin' herself," he said before exhaling a long puff of smoke. Jonesy spit onto the ground and wiped the sweat from his brow. "We'll ain't that fun," he said before starting to walk off. Ben turned slowly and took a long look at the place. "I'm gonna find Libby and check in," Jonesy added as he headed along the line of trailers. "Well you got any ideas?" Samson asked and Ben shrugged. "I got a hankerin' or two." "Care to explain that?" Samson asked. "Naw," Ben said as he started to walk towards the road.