Elsa listened to him mention his mother, noting that his father was absent. Possibly dead? she mused quietly to herself. She was about to ask when he got up, and suggested they head back to the office. She smirked, standing up herself, whilst she threw on her jacket and beret. She did the buttons up and pulled open her purse, putting a few more pounds on the table for her own meal and tip. "[color=fff200]As kind as your offer is, I think ve should go back to the office. I vould love to go out and see the city but I have boxes filling my apartment and I have no idea which ones carry my clothes or my toothbrush.[/color]" Suddenly she was cut off when the drunk man at the bar started shooting off his mouth to the waitress. Elsa felt a sudden rage in the pit of her gut and was about to walk over when suddenly Alden took the lead, his British accent coming out full force. Elsa stood to the side, letting her new partner take control of the situation. She listened quietly but kept watch on the two other men who were watching the debacle with her. One of them was moving to get up, but Elsa just walked up and slapped a hand on his shoulder, shaking her head at him. The young man was slightly startled but unlike his friend didn't have the gumption to try anything. Suddenly both their attention turned to Alden's gun, which was brought out to make a point. The brass knuckle fell to the floor, and Elsa leaned down to pick it up, placing it over her fingers experimentally. She smirked before turning to the waitress after Alden had apologized for the upset. She spoke softly, "[color=fff200]The sandwiches vere delicious Darlin. Best I've had in a long time. Now if you ever find yourself in the same situation, call us.[/color]" She looked at the boys for a second before she placed the brass knuckles on the counter, "[color=fff200]Or use this to teach a man a lesson, his mother should have taught him years ago. Goodnight boys.[/color]" She followed after Alden quickly taking a few moments to catch up, "[color=fff200]Quite an entertaining night. Shame ve vere having such a lovely evening.[/color]" The man in Alden's cuffs was sobering up slightly and spoke out angrily, "[color=f9ad81]You fucking commy bitch. I can show you a lovely time indeed when I...[/color]" Elsa grabbed his arm from behind Alden and yanked it up to an uncomfortable angle. With his arms held together behind his back, his shoulder was stretched out enough to make the man scream. Elsa responded calmly, "[color=fff200]I'm sorry...sir, but I believe I vas talking to my partner. If you vould like to comment, please vait your turn, until I am done speaking.[/color]" She let the man's arm go as she looked up to Alden and shrugged before they headed into the station. Once the man was booked and behind bars, Elsa followed Alden back to his office, ignoring the looks of interest and disdain she was getting. When the door was promptly shut, Elsa took off her coat and let out a breath, "[color=fff200]That poor girl. Too young to have to deal with such barbarism. By the way that is an interesting veapon you have there. Not standard issue I see.[/color]" She pulled off her Beret and plopped it on the table taking a seat in the metal chair as she grabbed up some of the paperwork Ms. Celda brought in. She lifted it up and spoke softly, "[color=fff200]So I suppose ve best get on this as soon as possible. Do you have any guesses as to whom vould have taken the list? From vhat I've initially read, it was stolen. Very strange to have such a piece of information taken from such a place of high security. There isn't much investigation on how it was extracted. Vhy is that you think?[/color]"