[h3]Primary Character[/h3] [hider=Darius Stormhawk Character Sheet] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/43/7b/18/437b188993bde2e6e138d01be604d244--fantasy-artwork-dragons.jpg[/img] [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b][h1] Darius Stormhawk [/h1][/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [/center] [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] T I T L E S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Justicar, "Brand" [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] A G E [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] 40 [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] R A C E [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Human [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] T R A I N I N G [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Darius was raised practically from birth to hold a sword in his hand. His focus had always been in the art of wielding two swords, attempting to best the phrase [i]"The best defense is a good offense."[/i] Living among bandits and general rogues helped teach Darius the art of larceny. As a man of faith, Darius' training shifted to the proper art of warfare and in the proper education of moral philosophy and theology. [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] E Q U I P M E N T [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Sabers:[/color][/b][/u] The signature weapons of Darius Stormhawk, two well-balanced and ever-sharp blades are almost always at his sides. Rumor is that the swords are blessed every morning in his daily rituals and that the steel is a mixture of Adamantine and Silver, making them incredibly durable and potent against certain enemies. [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Stormhawk Armor:[/color][/b][/u] One of the few remnants of his life amongst the Stormhawk bandits, the armor is unique in its interlay of thin sheets of metal and hardened leather to create a set of strong but light armor. The dull brown and green tones help him blend into his environment. The armor is also designed for the placement of three silver daggers and a miniscule shank in relatively hidden portions of the armor. The outfit is brought together with a green and brown cloak with a hood. [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Ledger of Justice:[/color][/b][/u] A magical item of note in possession of certain justiciars. The book is enchanted in such a way that each ledger is linked to the archives of a certain temple of Justice. This allows for the record-keeping of justice dispensed by members of the Order, while also acting as a form of communication and the passing down of orders from the Grandmasters in Valon. [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Travelling Pack:[/color][/b][/u] A travelling pack that Darius carries with him when travelling. Contains all the essentials, from a tent and a bedroll to rations, rope, and a grappling hook. [/list][/indent] [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] S P E L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Light of Judgement:[/color][/b][/u] A rather simple spell that holds significance to members of the Order of Justice, the Light of Radiance is sharing in the power of the divine in order to create a light that ranges in intensity from the flame of a candle to the intense light of the sun. The most reliable method to reveal a Brand of Justice. Doesn't require much energy to cast and sustain. [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Brand of Justice:[/color][/b][/u] A powerful and draining ritual. Used by Justiciars to brand criminals and those on trial. The powerful aspect of the spell is that one who is branded and in the presence of the Light of Radiance not only experiences pain, but is forced to tell the truth to an individual who is shining the Light of Radiance. [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Sap:[/color][/b][/u] A spell designed for the purpose of draining the physical energy out of a target, Sap helps to minimize the threat a target can pose. The spell requires a moderate amount of energy to cast, and it takes time to reduce a target to the point where they are no longer a threat. [/list][/indent] [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] O T H E R S K I L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Swift Combatant:[/color][/b][/u] Speed is his greatest weapon for someone like Darius. While his armor could, in theory, protect him from a weapon, it's best to not tempt fate. His combat style also relies on using two weapons to overwhelm an enemy with a flurry of saber strikes to get through one's defenses. [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Agent of Justice:[/color][/b][/u] Darius is trained in the art of extracting the truth from individuals of interest. Part of his training as a Justiciar involved him learning all 101 sanctioned methods of extracting information from targets without the theatrics and painful ritual of using spellcasting. [*][u][b][color=39b54a]Larceny:[/color][/b][/u] While it is a past he'd rather forget, Darius is trained in the arts of breaking and entering. He can pick most standard locks, and is able to slip his hand into the pocket of most individuals. These skills often go unused (seeing as Darius is an agent of Justice), but he knows how to dirty his hands when necessary. [/list][/indent] [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] A F F I L I A T I O N [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Archclericy of Valon; Order of Justice [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] To call Darius an individual who seeks to protect and save the poor and innocent would be a drastic misunderstanding of his motives and character. Darius is fueled by the trauma of his childhood. He is not one for small-talk or continuous acts of kindness, though he is known to take pity on others from time to time (especially as age and a leave of absence have softened him). He is not caught up in the zealotry that others in his orders show, however. He believes in the Divine, but uses his faith and abilities to fuel his search for justice. Darius is one who gets along in a rough, violent crowd. His favorite past-times are wood-carving, heavy drinking, and gambling. He is not one to back down from a challenge, but isn't necessarily arrogant or "holier-than-thou." His mood and attitude is shifting now as he is four decades old. He is beginning to lean away from drinking excessively with friends or meeting his steel against near impossible odds. His attempt to settle down on a small farm on the outskirts of Vesh. [b][color=39b54a][sub][u][b] H I S T O R Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [hider=Excerpt from Justicar Sunblade's Petition] [quote=Justicar Garkan Sunblade]...I hereby ask this court to hear my plea for the sake of Darius Stormhawk, a bastard of bandits who faced Judgement. The child, upon meeting, showed no signs of ill-will nor wickedness. The scars and brand upon his body are signs of physical and emotional abuse. If Darius Stormhawk is released into the world, there is a significant chance he will become a threat to society at large. The Order of Justice can provide him a path of redemption. As for his skill, his natural talent is the most remarkable I have seen in my life. While unorthodox, I tested his talents with a practice blade while travelling back to the Archclericy. His swordsmanship ability nearly rivaled my years of formal training. While I swore to be objective, I feel it necessary to express my wish to see him serve this Order rather than see his talents used as a mercenary... or worse...[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Recommendation for Promotion] [quote=Paladin Tyrin]Upon a formal inspection of the talents of Acolyte Stormhawk, it is clear that his talents would be best suited in travelling and dispensing justice. He has excelled in combat trials, his talent seeming to rival that of some of our seasoned enforcers. Most remarkably, he has taken well to the education in the faith and in the means of extracting information.[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Incident Report] [quote=Paladin Carin]Paladin Sunblade and Justice Stormhawk have been brought in for questioning regarding the execution of a family of seven, with the inclusion of a four year old child. Upon a preliminary review, the reasoning provided by both individuals is satisfactory. The crime was reported to be cannibalism, a crime of the highest grievance to those in the Order. The execution of the individuals acted as fair punishment for the adults, while the execution of the child was determined given the significant spiritual and physical harm sustained through the eating of similar flesh. This judgement remains in line with our standards, and it has been determined that no further investigation is necessary for these events.[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Grandmaster's Verdict] [quote=Grandmaster Veranis]... It is the judgement of this Court that Justicar Stormhawk is met with no formal punishment. The circumstances of Senior Paladin Sunblade's death remains... dubious. The testimony provided by the Defendant, Justicar Stormhawk, was verified through the use of spellcraft during extensive interrogation. It is believed with certainty in this court that Justicar Stormhawk did not use lethal force against Senior Paladin Sunblade. It is also believed with certainty that Senior Paladin Stormhawk violated the tenants of his oath as a Judge in this Court in attempting to act as an executioner. This all being said, it is the opinion of this court that Justicar Stormhawk be removed from active service and allowed a leave of absence from his responsibilities to the Order of Justice. The toll of losing a dear friend and mentor has led to the rash decisions by members of this Order in the past. A small farm that was recently gifted to the Order in the Kingdom of Vesh can be made available to ensure Justicar Stormhawk is kept busy.[/quote] [/hider] [hider=Objective History] The Bastard of Bandits was born 40 years ago wandering among a band of murderous nomads near the Ashen Wastes. His father was the Chieftain, his mother a concubine. Since his very birth, he was raised to be a warrior. Only the strong could survive in that environment. While in the Ashen Wastes, the Stormhawk Clan of Bandits would make excursions into the Nyrae region. Darius was trained as a child to pick locks and pockets. He proved himself a beneficial member of the clan. Around the age of 13, Darius encountered the Order of Justice. He watched as a Justicar and his Junior Justice brutally slaughtered the entire clan, the Acolyte falling half-way through the battle. Darius was brought to the Archclericy of Valon, Justicar Garkan Sunblade seeing a spark behind the eyes of the child. Darius was one of the oldest initiates brought into the Order of Justice, and many doubted his ability to serve. He took to the teachings at the Temple with a passion, and saw Garkan as a surrogate father after the death of his biological father. By the age of 17, Darius took his vows within the Order and became a Junior Justice under then-Paladin Garkan Sunblade. For his first three years, he traveled with his mentor across Nyrae and Kron-Nesis. Together, they were responsible for the judgement of over 100 individuals. Garkan Sunblade was not known for giving individuals a fair trial, though there was never proof or suspicion of wrongdoing. The Judgement for those who broke the laws of the faith or the land was execution almost every time. Darius followed in this path of bloodshed, taking the name "Brand" for his signature use of a traditional brand when dispensing punishment (and for a branded mark upon his back that was given to him as a child by his father to signify his role as a Stormhawk). When Darius was 20, Garkan Sunblade was promoted to the rank of Senior Paladin. Darius was allowed to travel on his own while his mentor took on a more rigid role as a judge in the Archclericy. For the next fifteen years, Darius alone managed to dispense punishment to an estimated 500. He grew increasingly disliked among his fellow Jusiticars for his excessive use of violence. The stories from this period of his life are mostly considered fables... and many of his executions went unlogged. Darius was unchecked and unregulated. He took on bandits, assassins, soldiers, thieves... their families were rarely safe from his rage as well. His resentment for those who broke the law was clear. They were a plague who destroyed lives like his... created monsters like Darius. This hatred and destruction ensured Darius would never be advanced to the rank of Paladin. At the age of 35, Senior Paladin Sunblade went to bring Darius in to answer for the proliferation of murders he was responsible for. Rumors have circulated for years as to what exactly happened when Garkan confronted Darius. The general assumption was that Darius slaughtered his former mentor before he could answer for his own crimes. The truth of the matter was that Darius asked for a favor: he wanted Garkan to fight at his side one more time to track down a group of criminals that had defiled and drowned a child. The band of criminals was larger than anticipated, and the two members of the Order of Justice fought bravely. Darius was the only to make it out alive. A month of intense interrogation saw no admittance of guilt. No evidence could be found that the Justicar killed his master. So an agreement was struck between Darius and the upper echelon of the Order of Justice. He took a leave of absence in order to "pray and reflect upon his career." After living a life where he knew only murder and destruction, he found a new life as a farmer in Vesh incredibly dull for the first few months. But as a year passed... and then another... he found an inner peace. There was comfort in living a normal, quiet life. The life that Darius wished he could have always had. Three months ago... everything changed. A young man had found him... an Junior Justice with a letter from the Order. Tides of change were lingering on the air, and it became clear that capable soldiers would become a necessity for the Order to keep up its appearances for the Council. His quiet life was a sign that Darius could be redeemed... perhaps repentant even for his actions. So the letter saw a reinstatement into active service, with the Junior Justice filling in the role of an assistant to the Justicar. The past three months have been particularly quiet. Darius guided them through Nyrae to act as executioners for some minor offenses and to provide some training in the act of justice to his Ward. Their journey then veered south, down into the Grand Kingdom of Kron-Nesis. A week ago... the two found themselves in Tarantis, the Jewel of the South. They found a place to stay at the residence of a local judge, who provided a soft bed, warm meals, and plenty of wine and liquor to waste an army. It was only a matter of time before orders from the Grandmaster himself were sent... orders to partake a war. [/hider] [/hider] [h3]Secondary Character[/h3] [hider=Cressida Tyril Character Sheet] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/63/56/87/63568733182b540a7a0346c57333da09.jpg[/img] [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b][h1] Cressida Tyril [/h1][/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [/center] [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] T I T L E S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Junior Justice [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] A G E [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] 17 [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] R A C E [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Human [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] T R A I N I N G [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Cressida Tyril is more of a scholar than an enforcer, and her training reflects that. Can she lift her sword and shield and use them somewhat effectively? Yes, about as well as a poorly trained soldier, with her skill in a bow being similarly underdeveloped. His mind, however, has been cultivated more completely. She took to her studies well, managing to develop her magical capabilities beyond that of his current mentor. [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] E Q U I P M E N T [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][u][b][color=a187be]Sword, Shield, Short Bow:[/color][/b][/u] The Traditional weapons of an enforcer of the Order of Justice. For close-quarters combat, a longsword and heater shield suffice. She carries a short bow and a quiver of arrows as well. [*][u][b][color=a187be]Armor of the Order:[/color][/b][/u] While only a Junior Justice, the nature of Cressida's assignment granted her access to armor typically reserved for proper Justicars. A set of well-crafted plate armor is in her possession, which she upkeeps fairly well given the pair's constant travel. [*][u][b][color=a187be]Travelling Pack:[/color][/b][/u] A travelling pack that Cressida carries. It contains a small tent, a bedroll, rations, rope, basic camping tools, and detailed maps of Telduria. [/list][/indent] [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] S P E L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][u][b][color=a187be]Light of Judgement:[/color][/b][/u] A rather simple spell that holds significance to members of the Order of Justice, the Light of Radiance is sharing in the power of the divine in order to create a light that ranges in intensity from the flame of a candle to the intense light of the sun. The most reliable method to reveal a Brand of Justice. Doesn't require much energy to cast and sustain. [*][u][b][color=a187be]Brand of Justice:[/color][/b][/u] A powerful and draining ritual. Used by Justiciars to brand criminals and those on trial. The powerful aspect of the spell is that one who is branded and in the presence of the Light of Radiance not only experiences pain, but is forced to tell the truth to an individual who is shining the Light of Radiance. [*][u][b][color=a187be]Seal of Faith:[/color][/b][/u] A spell designed to repress the powers that defy Nicarous and the Light (undead, daemons, etc.) through a draining spell that requires physical touch. The spell ultimately acts as a power of will, the caster versus the target. Powerful targets could easily resist and overwhelm a Junior Justice. [*][u][b][color=a187be]Healing Hands:[/color][/b][/u] A traditional healing spell that can accelerate the natural healing of the body. The longer the spell is cast and the more power exerted into the casting, the quicker the healing process. It cannot restore an individual to life, nor allow the regeneration of limbs. [/list][/indent] [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] O T H E R S K I L L S [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] [indent][list] [*][u][b][color=a187be]Tracker and Hunter:[/color][/b][/u] A strange talent that Cressida has developed, the Junior Justice is an exceptionally talented tracker and hunter. She is often sent to hunt wild game when with Darius in the wilderness. [*][u][b][color=a187be]Agent of Justice:[/color][/b][/u] Cressida is trained in the art of extracting the truth from individuals of interest. Her training is not as extensive as Darius' methods, but an increasing significance was placed upon the use of seduction and subterfuge in her training to extract information from others. [*][u][b][color=a187be]Herbalist:[/color][/b][/u] Cressida's expertise in nature extends to her understanding of flora. She knows which plants are safe to ingest and which are dangerous, and she knows which plants have potentially curative properties. When healing magic doesn't work, Cressida usually has something that can be of help to the sick or dying. [/list][/indent] [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] A F F I L I A T I O N [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Archclericy of Valon; Order of Justice [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] P E R S O N A L I T Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] A stickler for rules and a scholar, Cressida is an individual one would expect would prefer to stick to being a judge exclusively in the Order. Cressida is an unusual case, however. She enjoys time in nature and away from the hustle and bustle of city and temple life. Her natural talents in herbalism and hunting/tracking make her particularly attune to life in smaller settlements. This is one of the reasons she sought to stray away from being a stationary judge, instead intending to take her talents to the fringes of civilization. Cressida's insistence on following the rules as written sees her in constant conflict with other members of the Order, including her mentor. She is exceptionally persistent and arrogant in her beliefs and judgments, unwilling to compromise in most situations unless absolutely forced by a direct order. It is unsurprising that these traits landed her as the trainee of someone like Darius. [b][color=a187be][sub][u][b] H I S T O R Y [/b][/u][/sub][/color][/b] Cressida was born into a world of conflict. Living near the border of Nyrae and Eamonvale, her life was in constant chaos. By the age of seven, her village was the target of two separate raids. All eight members of her family (her two parents, grandmother, four siblings, and herself) had been injured or taken hostage as a result. The following year, on Cressida's eighth birthday, her entire village was razed to the ground. Two of her older brothers had managed to survive with her, as they were out hunting the day of the attack. The next year and a half was spent living in the wilds. They hunted and gathered their food... though vengeance filled their blood. When a very small gathering of rebels welcomed the three wayward children into their camp, they had no idea the floodgate they had opened. The children slit the throats of every rebel in the camp... but they were caught. A Justicar had been in the area, and sent them to the Archclericy for trial. The two brothers served a stint as indentured servants to the Order, since they were thirteen and fifteen and deemed to be in a position in which they should have known better than to commit murder. Cressida... she was underestimated. The Judge deemed she was a young woman who at worst was caught up in the nefarious plan of her brothers. Her punishment was to join and serve the Order of Justice. Cressida, being a child who enjoyed the teachings of her father and grandmother, was not displeased to have the opportunity to continue proper studies. She spent most of her days and nights for the next eight years reading and studying. She read opinions of the Judges in high profile trials, and would often speak with her superiors at the Temple to question their rulings. Needless to say, she made enemies in the Order despite being only a child. Every teacher and mentor to Cressida became so increasingly frustrated they would often pass her off to someone else. She could not be denied a promotion within the Order to Junior Justice at the age of 17. Grandmaster Veranis knew what to do with the girl. Reports were that a certain exile of the Order had found tranquility in his quiet life... but that did not mean he didn't deserve a new punishment. Cressida was given orders for Justicar Darius Stormhawk and instructed to deliver the orders to him in Vesh. Upon arriving at a small farm in Vesh, it became immediately apparent to even Cressida that she had crossed the wrong people. Her new mentor was harsh and took the rules liberally. He would bend the interpretation of law to suite his own purposes... he was the counter to everything Cressida believed in. She has a duty, however, to follow and learn under the Justicar. Perhaps it is her arrogance or stubborn personality that prevents her from just abandoning the order and finding a quiet life in the forest. But Cressida knows it's something else. Despite his harshness, Justicar Stormhawk is different from the other members of the order. He's a closed book written in a strange language with a hint of familiarity... and Cressida can't resist the challenge of figuring out who exactly the Justicar is and what he's done. [/hider]