[center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjkzYmNjOC5RMkZ0YVd4c1lTQlJkV2x1YmcsLC4w/lovelyou-free.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [indent] Blue eyes flickered up to meet green and the woman grimaced, unable to tell Jack with authority that it [i]was[/i] a demon… that she believed a little sulfur, an easy trap, and a few words spoken in Latin could drive it away. Cam scratched her head, not keeping a sigh from falling from her pursed lips. It would have been easy to fight and argue, but it would just be a futile waste of time. No matter how much she wished that it was something as simple as a run-of-the-mill demon, it likely wasn’t. All of his reasons why it wasn’t made sense and Cam refused to refute them for the simple sake of being a devil’s advocate. No, there wasn’t any way in the world that something so base as a demon or routine-oriented as a ghost would have plucked his number from God-knows-where and called him. Perhaps it had all been a plan? She wasn’t the smartest woman when it came to supernatural beings and anything apart from the standard was likely nothing she would catch on to. A shudder overtook Cam as she took another drink of beer, wondering what could have changed in the hour or two it had taken for the two hunters to get there. [b][color=powderblue]”Whatever happened to pointing a gun and shooting,”[/color][/b] she grumbled, looking at Jack as he surveyed the space. There wasn’t much to look at and she didn’t mind; she’d had done the same if she’d been invited to his house… wherever that was. At more than one point, she’d thought about asking him about his roots, but something in Camilla had always warned her completely away from uttering useless questions. Maybe it was the way Jack could look at her, as if boring into her soul, and still seem as if he was looking straight through her. A corner of her mouth quirked as she looked over him. Part of Cam wondered idly if he would be interested in fucking… even if it was just once. She’d heard of some partners doing so and managing to continue to work together. It wasn’t as if either one of them were unattractive; she wasn’t humble and he didn’t seem the type for bullshitting, either. The thought was enough to keep her entertained, hardly realizing that she’d been staring until he moved to reach into his jacket. The shine of the black phone screen initially caught her attention, drawing her eyes down, but when she looked past that to find the tell-tale dark stain of dried liquid on his shirt, Cam took a deep breath. She’d been stupid and careless; she’d hardly felt the need to assess Jack for any [i]actual[/i] injury, assuming that since he could just get up and drive there wasn’t a serious problem. It had been foolish and naïve, but she’d done it all the same. [b][color=powderblue]”Bobby,”[/color][/b] she repeated dully, not saying much else until she heard Jack’s voice hitch. Her gaze moved back to his face, entirely uncertain about what to do. The way his grin was still pained with eyes that held quiet suffering made Cam’s heart stutter, a jolt of pain moving through her chest. He was her partner. She was supposed to [i]protect[/i] him. Her jaw clenched as she took another swig of beer, before placing it on her bedside table. [b][color=powderblue]”Shit, Jack, you shoulda said [i]something[/i].”[/color][/b] With that, she moved from the bed and began walking towards the bathroom, motioning over her shoulder for him to take her place. [b][color=powderblue]”Get in bed and take that damn jacket off.”[/color][/b] Cam’s fingers glided over the bathroom mirror, opening it and searching for gauze and peroxide. When she’d grabbed what she needed, the woman quickly returned to Jack. [b][color=powderblue]”I’m not gonna beg you to let me help,”[/color][/b] she started, quirking a brow as she looked to the man. [b][color=powderblue]”But it ain’t my first rodeo. And it’s the only way I can return the favor.”[/color][/b] Cam’s eyes softened as her grip on the gauze packets tightened. [b][color=powderblue]”You know, how it should have been me.”[/color][/b][/indent]