As Legolas remained sitting on the group, holding the girl's hand close to his heart, his eyes fluttered open, once he felt a gentle touch come into contact with his skin. Looking at her face, he could see the love and affection within her beautiful green eyes and, along with that element, he was also trying to pass confidence into himself by praying within her presence, so he could harness the strength needed to protect her. The Elf Prince, once again, kissed her hand, shortly before he and the rest of the group heard Gandalf's happiness. The wizard looked into the tunnel while he heard the princess remark about the slight odorless smell. "My dear, if in doubt, always follow your nose!", he said to her before making a heartful chuckle. Saeril looked over to see the group on the feet, and departing the chamber, and into the passage. The elder was quite relieved to tell Kili her reason of keeping the truth from him, but she still felt the guilt in hiding from him, and his family, having to believe that her past would disappear, and that she would be able to move on, and live at peace with them. But she found herself to be wrong. In truth, it has been a rather long time since the she-elf has seen the [i]inside[/i] of Moria. At this time, it was a rare yet beautiful sight. "Gimli!", Gandalf suddenly called out to the dwarf that was running away from there, and towards another vast chamber, where a wooden door has been smashed, along with black arrows embedding in it. A coffin was in the middle of the room, with light touching the surface. The wizard approached the crypt, having to read the inscription on the top. "'Here lies Balin, son of Fudin, Lord of Moria'. He is dead, then. It's as I had feared", it was rather a painful thing to learn, considering that Kili, Yavanna, and Gimli were all visibly affected. Saeril sighed in sadness, feeling that sense of guilt rain down upon her, once again. Another one of the company was dead. [i]She[/i] had caused this to happen. Soon enough, they would all be dead at the hands of the enemy if they don't act quickly. Gandalf had managed to find an object laid with one of the corpses. It appeared to be a book, and he opened it to read its latest entry. "'They have taken the Bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates...but cannot hold them for long...the ground shakes...drums in the deep...we cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. Will no one save us? They are coming'", they were Balin's last words of thought. It saddened the elder, while having to create a feeling of dread that seemed to surround them. The loud crash that Pippin had unintentionally made, caused the wizard to glare at him, before closing the book, and setting it aside. "Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!", it was harsh, but he still thought that the Hobbit should have at least some common sense. It was quiet for only a few seconds...until a low boom sounded from the depths...growing if the caverns of Moria were turned into a vast drum. A great horn blasts nearby...running feet...along with harsh cries...[i]they were coming[/i]...! Just as Balin had feared. Arrows whizzed by them, and Saeril moved her head, just in time. "Stay close to Gandalf!", she told the Hobbits, before glancing at Kili, and nodding to him, gesturing the young Dwarf to prepare himself. Along with Tauriel, Legolas acted fast, having to toss the two humans some weapons nearby, in order to barricade the door.