The man who had saved the group was about to depart when something else appeared on the rooftops. It was that cult leader woman with the weird skim. However, he didn't notice her until it was too late. The woman had already impaled the Innkeeper's wife. He had barely noticed her when the finger flew out impaling itself into the hapless woman. As he stood there making sure it was actually her, he felt himself getting into that same rhythm building up in the first fight that was cut too short. He approached Syella with a glide as she had her back turned to him. Ordinarily this would be an extremely careless misstep, but something told him this was more arrogance than unthinking error. It also was probably due to her anticipating an attack from him, but the problem is just because you might know a hit is coming doesn't mean you can react in time to it. He swung his staff with great strength aiming to hit her arm. While he hoped it would throw her aim off, there was also another motive behind the attack. He knew the corruption gained by progressing into the rank obviously warped the person while granting abilities. But too what extent is the question? After all, while her fingers might be deadly, if her hand and arms behaved the same way as a regular humans did than that means a lot. "I believe we had a fight." He said lurching to the side half-slurring the words.