Hey there! Welcome to my search thread, and thank you for taking the time to look! You can call me storm. I'm going to keep this pretty short and simple: I just finished the Spiderman ps4 game, and I’m really looking to roleplay it! I’m asking that someone play Peter Parker against an oc of mine! If you’re interested, feel free to contact me! [b]•guidelines•[/b] [b]Style & length: [/b]I roleplay in the classic third person, past tense. I can write anywhere from a few sentences, to a few paragraphs. It really just depends on my mood and if I’m inspired or not. Sometimes I’m lazy, or prefer rapid fire and sometimes I prefer more thought out responses. [b]Characters:[/b] when were talking fandoms, I highly prefer canon x oc. I do double, and usually prefer it. Occasionally I do canon pairings, but I will specifically say if I want to do a canon pairing. [b]Reply time:[/b] I know very well we all have lives outside the internet, and we all get busy and can’t reply every hour of every day. All I ask is more than one response a week, and we’ll be good. [b]Extra: [/b]please don’t contact me about anything not on my list. I’ll change it when my cravings change. I ask that if you do wish to roleplay, you’re over 18. I like adult themes in my roleplays.