[quote=@IceHeart]Was looking for my robotech DvDs when I noticed something I had completely forgotten I had, the complete series of [i]Birds of Prey[/i]. I can't remember why I ever got it, though I did get for cheap if I recall, I think I was just really interested in Birds of Prey at the time? Huntress is Batman and Catwoman's daughter, Batman got depressed and disappeared after Selena died, Oracle is in charge, but I think the main thing I remembered without watching it again, is just how boring this version of Harley Quinn was. Pretty much the entire Harley Quinn persona was pretty much dropped and all that was left was Harleen Quinzel who was an evil psychologist who still had feelings for the Joker who was gone at that point. I'm wondering if I dare try to watch it again after all these years or if it is something that should stay a distant memory...so got any daughters yet [@Master Bruce]?[/quote] If I did, I'd make it my sworn duty as a dad to make sure they never learn of the existence of that show, as it's the only piece of Batman-related media that makes both [i]Gotham[/i] and [i]Batman & Robin[/i] comparatively look like The Animated Series. Also, I swear I'm not fucking up on purpose with the lack of posting lately. Something's just really off lately. Whether I need to re-evaluate the story I was gonna tell and switch gears or just dovetail what I'm currently doing into an entirely new direction, I don't know. But I shouldn't be only posting to keep the character, nor should I only be two posts into an IC thread with over 80 replies. I'll work on trying to rejigger my enthusiasm for writing UOU Batman over the weekend. Sorry, everyone.