[@Phantomlink959] Richard brushed his hands together to remove bits of dirt and grass from his gloves and said the activation word to the totem. The second totem planting was significantly less exciting than the first. Looking around the area, he scans for visitors, groundskeepers, and even for earth-bound souls. Seeing none, he heads to the west corner of the graveyard to meet up with Argus. It took longer than he had liked to reach the corner but soon he saw the dijin's reptilian face sniffing the air. [color=brown]"There were no visitors in the East of the grave yard, most likely too early for visitors to go here."[/color] Looking around the immediate area there was no sign of undead...yet. The uneasiness he felt just by being in this corner of the graveyard, was a tell tale sign that there was something that actively refused his presence. [color=brown]"Argus, mana surges don't normally feel like this. Nor do bio-hazards...is it what I think it is?"[/color]