The dawn came swiftly and birdsong seemed to dance with the dappled sunshine that made its way through the leaves of Skrik’s makeshift abode. He let out a quiet yawn as the morning breeze cooled him, rousing him easily from his slumber. He had slept fitfully, a multitude of thoughts and ideas dancing too actively in his mind for him to sleep deeply. Yet, though he didn’t feel well rested, he felt a surge of subtle excitement. He knew what he wanted to do and had a good idea of how to do it. First, he had to establish a steady source of food. The water nearby was vital and there would likely be fish either upstream or down. That could be a ready source of simple food. If he was able to draw in and snare Wolves and Horned Rabbits then he might have a steady source of food there too, as well as valuable materials. But, it was easier thought than done. The wolves were smart and had very strong senses. The Horned rabbits were cautious and preferentially fed on berries, from what he had seen so far, and he didn’t even know which direction to go to find fish. He would have to be both careful and thorough as he went forward. He had gathered quite a few belongings, far more than he could conveniently carry with him. In fact, he wasn’t very skilled with everything yet. His hunting experience was mostly grappling and stealth, relying on poison and skill. It had worked well so far but hunting alone was dangerous, especially when your prey was up close. He needed to practice with his javelins. That range might prove critical and, unlike a bow or sling, the weight of a javelin was not a factor after it had been thrown. He left most of them where they lay but brought two with him along with one of his short spears, keeping his stone knife in his wristband as a backup. It was time to go. He carefully examined the surrounding area for threats. Finding none, he climbed down to the ground and began to scout the surrounding area. He was searching for several things. He could use prey of course but he was carefully examining the trees, seeking for signs of the trees that produce the numbing oil. He was also searching for the kind of berries that the horned rabbits prefer, which he had noticed during his first hunt. If he could find those berries then he might be able to make bait and produce snares to secure more horned rabbits. Of course, more horned rabbits would mean more meat to use for bait to draw wolves. With practice, he should have limited trouble killing a few wolves, so long as he could use a trap to poison them before engaging. [hider=My Hidden Value] [b]EXP:[/b] 8 [b]Inventory:[/b] (Numbing) Poison Rock Knife, Cloth Wristbands, Cloth Neckband, Tight Loincloth, Crude harness, Rabbit hide pouch, 1 wooden short spear, 2 (Numbing) Poison light javelins,. [b]Treehouse Camp:[/b] 1 Stout sapling, 10 (Numbing) Poison light javelins, rabbit bones (2 sets, lacking skulls), leaf pouch of wood shavings, 30 smooth pebbles [b]Starting Skill:[/b] Butcher’s Insight [Heightened ability to find vital points, predict movement based on physiology, and get the most out of a carcass.] [b]Acquired Skills:[/b] [u]Slash [/u](claws)= The goblin has learned how to use his sharper nails to create a slashing attack making it effective in rending flesh. Has no effect on armor; can be upgraded [u]Pierce [/u](weapon)= The goblin has learned to pinpoint a spot on an enemy and use a sharp weapon to strike hard at it. This allows the goblin to strike a deadly blow with any sharp weapon and when upgraded can pierce through weapons and armor. [b]Titles:[/b] [b]Blessings:[/b] [b]Curses:[/b] [/hider] [@Jangel13]