[@Searat] [b][color=a0410d]"If this was wild magic the only thing I would smell is decaying flesh and residual mana."[/color][/b]the Djinn growled, his face quickly shifting back to the human form in a burst of flame, [color=a0410d]"Virus would smell toxic, like meat that's gone rancid from bacterial growth. This... the magic here stinks of corruption -black magic. We're definitely dealing with a necromancer."[/color] he concluded, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it up without thinking, [color=a0410d]"Lich or not I can't tell for sure, the smells have mingled too much for me to make out the conjurer from the undead. But, if we can find some material evidence, I should be able to pick up the trail. I've got that in common with bloodhounds."[/color] Argus offered humorously, crouching down to examine the soil, [color=a0410d]"Could take awhile to find but I think it's safe to say this is definitely the area to be looking. Although..."[/color] The redhead looked around for a vantage point, spotting a tall, pillar-like gravestone a short distance away. [color=a0410d]"Necromancy is complicated stuff, you need a ritual circle to get things started."[/color] Argus observed, walking over to the stone and pushing on it gently to ensure it was stable. [color=a0410d]"Give me a boost, I need a higher angle. And yes, I'm pretty sure this counts as grave desecration; but it's easier than finding a ladder."[/color]