[quote=@Bee] it absolutely is. [hider=spoilers]how do you go from a perfect satire about companies like amazon or google to something as crude and horrible as [i]equisapiens[/i]? i get that it's still a part of the commentary but there are hundreds of thousands of better ways to go about it than sending the movie into an entirely different realm.[/hider] [/quote] This ain't it, chief. [hider]I don't get how you understand the horse part of the commentary and not see the metaphor contained therein. In a whole movie that's full of anticorporate messages about as subtle as a brick to the face, the fact that the company literally sees its workers (work[i]horses[/i], get it?) as a means to get a more efficient labor source fits right in, down to the part where government sides with the moneymaking entity even with evidence of employee abuse. The whole point isn't that equisapiens are a thing, but that a CEO seeing that as an ideal method of cheap and easy labor isn't exactly much of a stretch. It's allegory in the same way the main character being named [i]Cash Green[/i] is.[/hider] Have you never seen a surrealist film before.