[quote=@Fabricant451] This ain't it, chief. [hider]I don't get how you understand the horse part of the commentary and not see the metaphor contained therein. In a whole movie that's full of anticorporate messages about as subtle as a brick to the face, the fact that the company literally sees its workers (work[i]horses[/i], get it?) as a means to get a more efficient labor source fits right in, down to the part where government sides with the moneymaking entity even with evidence of employee abuse. The whole point isn't that equisapiens are a thing, but that a CEO seeing that as an ideal method of cheap and easy labor isn't exactly much of a stretch. It's allegory in the same way the main character being named [i]Cash Green[/i] is.[/hider] Have you never seen a surrealist film before. [/quote] [hider=hider]I wasnt saying I didnt understand the metaphor I just didn't agree with how they did it. I get the message that they were trying to convey with the equisapiens but the thing is that I felt that it was way too over the line and incredibly jarring when compared with the rest of the film. I felt it was out of pocket when it got to that point. I would've preferred it if they had a much different way. I was expecting a cute quirky comedy that had roots in realism but once they revealed the equisapiens I was appalled at how stupid the decision to present the message in that manner was.[/hider]