[@Forsythe][@FlitterFaux][@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN][@Plank Sinatra][@Crimmy] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/J2ighQY.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=1a7b30][center]Oh I have a question alright...[/center][/color][/h3] I let out an uncontrollable yawn as I stepped out of the transport. I hadn't meant to fall asleep on the ride there, I really hadn't. But for whatever reason I tended to get really sleepy when riding in vehicles. I slapped my cheeks as Oswald started talking to the pretty boy with the lanyard. I visibly grimaced when Oswald hinted at how poorly our previous mission had gone. That...that was the understatement of the [i]year.[/i] I decided it was best to forget about it, that was then, and this was now. This mission was going to go just fine, it was a concert after all, what could possibly go wrong? Even if a few Grimm showed up, it wasn't like we couldn't handle that. Speaking of the concert, just being here, off the transport was already getting me awake and pumped up. Sure we had a job to do but...this was a freaking concert! I'd always wanted to go to one of these! I couldn't help but be excited at all the energy around me. This of course also raised a [i]really[/i] important question that Oswald had failed to ask. It seemed it was up to me then, I raised my hand, making my body float off the ground a little to make up for how pathetically short I was. [color=1a7b30]"I have a question too! Can we get autographs after the show!? I'm a big fan!"[/color] --------------------------- [@Lazo][@Guess Who][@Awesomoman64] [h3][color=92278f][center]Violet Steel - Blossoming Relationships - [/center][/color][/h3] Violet surveyed their surroundings as she stepped out of the elevator, taking it all in. The Grimm were still a good distance away, far enough that the Sand probably figured it would be a waste of ammo to start firing till they drew closer. That was true for most people, but not for Violet. [color=92278f]"I've got this...don't worry."[/color] Violet reassured everyone as she stepped out in front of them. Violet was the newcomer of the team, and as polite as her teammates had been to her so far, they still barely new her. They didn't know how what she could do, or how reliable she was, how she felt about things, nothing. It made her feel like a blank slate, starting anew. This was her chance to show them who she was, what she could do. That was how you formed bonds and mutual trust right? She had to prove herself right here, right now. Her face was expressionless, she may have been eager, but whenever she prepared for combat she always suppressed her emotions, they would only get in the way. She raised her rifle up and took aim. [color=92278f]"..."[/color] The sounds of gunfire went off, Violet began to systematically aim and shoot the closest Grimm. One bullet straight to the head and the first Grimm was falling out of the sky, then another and another and another. Soon she'd gone through her clip of thirty, and there were thirty less Grimm to content with. She wordlessly loaded the next clip into the rifle and began to process again, using a single bullet for each kill, her aim was perfect.