~[@ShwiggityShwah], [@AzureKnight] (NAG)~ [quote=Ozzy Skyway][color=gold]"Miss Haley. Master Bart mentioned you when I arrived, but we never got to meet. I'm Ozmodius Skyway, you can just call me Ozzy. Just wanted to introduce myself."[/color][/quote] "[color=royalblue]Nice to meet you, Mister Skyway. My full name is Haley Wellington and... Well look at that, you've gotten me all formal and everything.[/color]" Haley replied, chuckling to herself. "[color=royalblue]A male Harpy huh? We sure are getting all the male monsters, aren't we? Maybe we should just introduce you all to the Demon Lord and we'll be set for life.[/color]" [quote=Nagare][color=6ecff6]I'm sorry our quest didn't yield much reward. If you all would like, I could try filling the hole with a wall of ice."[/color][/quote] "[color=royalblue]Thanks but no thanks, Nagare.[/color]" Haley replied. "[color=royalblue]A hole's bad enough, we don't need a flood too. We'll let Bart handle this, okay?[/color]" [hr] [b]Who Are You To Judge?[/b] ~[@Enkryption], [@The Irish Tree] (MAG)~ The two guild members reach Boreal Port by midday, the smell of seawater and salt immediately filling their noses. The town itself was quite simple and there were no buildings that stood out from the rest except for a large church that appeared to be visible from any point in Boreal port. It was doubtful that it belonged to the Order as the coastal town was definitely accepting of monsters judging from how some monsters clearly mingled amongst the population. Asking around for a missing person being sought out by a Jeb Blanck, the answers you have received were all along the lines of 'I don't know.' or 'Who is Jeb Blanck?'. All except this one Holstaur woman who responded differently. "[color=lightcyan]Jeb Blanck. Hmmm... Oh! I know him! He is one odd fellow. What do you need with him again? Someone missing? How do you know him?[/color]" [url=http://pm1.narvii.com/6587/bb254625ec063d30cc7c71714fcc07bf08958948_00.jpg]The Holstaur[/url] looked like any other Holstaur. However, she knows of Jeb Blanck and thus a possible lead for the quest. [hr] [b]Alike In Dignity 2[/b] ~[@13org] (BST), [@Silver Carrot]~ [u]Eilidh[/u] and [u]Bast[/u] reach Ambran without trouble or incident The town was beginning to feel familiar to the two guild members. The wagons hauled cargo to and from the town, innumerable stores sold all sorts of things on the streets. The people that walked the streets or browsed the stores and markets were mostly human although there were some who hid in hoods while others simply looked off. All in all, the standard Ambran feel. The two guild members find the watchtower the client pointed them to and there they waited for something to happen. After waiting for several minutes, a fancy stagecoach pulled over in front of them with its window open. Greeting from inside the stagecoach was [url=https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/characters/9/150175.jpg]a pretty girl of pink, twintailed hair[/url]. She appeared to be in a sour mood which would likely give [u]Bast[/u] some memories from before. "[color=f49ac2]You two are from the guild?[/color]" She began. It was very likely that this was Lady Natalia who made the request to the Guild. "[color=f49ac2]Well here's my task for you. The damn Archaneans have destroyed our most beautiful wagon in front of everyone in Ambran so this shall be our payback. The House of Archanea has a garden they're proud of beside a personal, man-made spring.[/color]" She explained. "[color=f49ac2]I want you to trash it any way you can. Slash it. Burn it. Piss on it. S*** on it. I don't care.[/color]" "[color=f49ac2]Their manor is located at the southernmost edges of Ambran. You can't miss it.[/color]" Natalia continued. "[color=f49ac2]The reward shall be delivered to your guild the next day. IF your task is does not fail. And you better NOT fail, am I clear?[/color]" She then closed the window to her stagecoach and its horses then galloped away. [hr] [b]Liberation, At Any Price[/b] ~[@The Irish Tree] (NEP)~ While your trip to Sonarra was without incident, you could feel the air slowly darken the closer you got to the Varjan territories. The sun itself, though bright back at the Guild, appear to dim the more you went further south. Soon enough, the town of Sonarra was in sight. With just one glance, you could tell that the town was poor and dying. The buildings were out of repair and look to be crumbling, ready to fall down at any moment. Some structures and houses were simply ruins yet occupied since there was little choice. Right at the town entrance, you could see a group of men who took notice of you and began to approach. The first one to meet you was a man who appeared Varjan-like. [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TeGsUR2SC2U/maxresdefault.jpg]His helmet concealed the upper half of his head, he wore little armor beside some pieces on his shoulder and arms as well as animal hides and he has an axe slung behind his back[/url]. He was no doubt a warrior, although whether he was aligned to Varjo or to Sonarra was unknown. "[color=rosybrown]What do you want, Dragon? What are you doing here?[/color]" The warrior asked you as he was flanked by two other warriors. "[color=rosybrown]Have you heard? There's a war goin' on.[/color]" His tone was not welcoming, almost threatening even. [hr] [b]The Great Escape[/b] ~[@13org] (FYR), [@Restalaan] (YNG), [@AzureKnight] (NAG)~ [u]Nagare[/u], [u]Freyr[/u] and [u]Yang[/u] place themselves hidden behind a hill overlooking the road. Soon, a large caravan began to cross the path. The caravan consisted of two prison wagons and a contingent of fifteen knights on horseback as well as ten footmen. At the helm were two individuals also on horseback. [url=http://pro.bols.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Bretonnian-Knights-e1458142952830.jpg]The knights were well-armed and well-decorated, sporting their personal colors and emblems[/url]. The footmen were nothing special, just armed with a basic shield and sword with leather and padding for armor. The apparent leaders of this prisoner escort included [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammerfb/images/c/c8/BRETONNIA_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130926014343]a knight of higher status than the ones behind him[/url]. Beside him was [url=https://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/112011768540-0-1/s-l1000.jpg]a red-armored warrior that appeared out-of-place amongst the knights[/url]. The guild members were clearly outnumbered but they have the element of surprise. They will have to be careful in their moves lest quantity trump quality. [hr] [b]Ambran First![/b] ~[@Restalaan] (DIT)~ You set forth for Ambran once more. Alone since you missed Bast and Eilidh's departure. The town looked just about the same as the last time you were there. The wagons hauled cargo to and from the town, innumerable stores sold all sorts of things on the streets. The people that walked the streets or browsed the stores and markets were mostly human although there were some who hid in hoods while others simply looked off. However, as you arrive at the town's edges, some two people immediately stopped you by blocking your path. They were both male and looked like standard adventurers in their thirties. The two of them had swords on you while one began speaking to you. "[color=598527]You! Stop! You![/color]" He yelled at you in a thick accent. "[color=598527]Все вы, нелегалы, как один! Ты под гражданским арестом, ты понял?[/color]" The other person said nothing, leaving you to figure out what was happening and what the man was saying by yourself. [hr] [b]Fetch Quest[/b] ~[@Lmpkio] (MOR), [@ShwiggityShwah]~ The two guild members reach the monster-friendly village in several hours. The place was relatively simple and there were no buildings that really towered over others. The largest appeared to be the two-story buildings of inns and large shops. As for the residents, humans and monsters went about their businesses. Some of them briefly glanced at the two guild members since you did not seem to be from around there but they appear to be content in leaving you alone as some new strangers stumbling upon Mahigan. "Hey! It's you!" A voice called out to you, in a jester-like tone. It belonged to [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/ce/b2/b3/ceb2b34ec7b287e300cfa9d779be2d6f.jpg]an armored person[/url] but it did not seem like he was a knight. "It's a good thing I read your profiles or else we'd be spending an entire day looking for each other in Mahigan." He remarked. "You two are fliers, yeah? Good! I'll just make you guys carry me to Lokdar Swamp and this quest'll be finished in no time." "Anyway, I'm Ian. Ian North. Professional mercenary." He extended an armored fist for either of you to shake. "More of a hero-for-hire, really. I'm not really taking questionable jobs anymore. It must be when I saved some monsters with an Order priestess. Anyway, I have a feeling we're gonna be seeing each other more in the forseeable future." "As for the job, like I said it's taking us to Lokdar Swamp. Now I know evil hags and supervillain lairs tend to reside in swamps but I assure you that nothing really harmful will be waiting for us there." He explained the request. "Although we might run into the Varjan refugees that just holed up in Ravager's Rest but come on, what are the odds of that?" "So you in?" [hr] ~[@Lmpkio] (TCA), [@AzureKnight] (VRA)~ [quote=Titanica][b][color=00aeef]"Get me some water. And those... those pills, whatever they're called. NOW."[/color][/b][/quote] Gina was not unnerved at all by [u]Titanica's[/u] glare. "[color=orange]Hey, relax. I doubt you could get knocked up as easily as that, especially for a Dragon like you.[/color]" The Gandharva replied. "[color=orange]But I can get you some for the headache if that was what you were talking about. And maybe a new bucket.[/color]" [quote=Vară Riemsianne][color=ed1c24]"You there! Fetch me some new clothes this instant!! And direct me to the nearest shower, I have to wash the shame away!"[/color][/quote] "[color=orange]Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. I'll get you new clothes and clean up your old one. And there's a shower just next door.[/color]" Gina assured the Fire Demon. "[color=orange]Also, this is the first time I've met a Succubus who acts this way. Are you raised by Vampires or something?[/color]" Gina then glanced at the sleeping Neil on the bed. "[color=orange]Say, who's the boy? Is he part of your guild? He looks plain, but cute. Anyway, let me fetch your requests. Stay here and catch your breaths if you know what I mean. I'll be back in a few minutes.[/color]" The Gandharva then made her leave. Neil himself stirred, likely because he heard his name. "Ughhh..." He rose from the bed, clutching his head. His eyes suddenly widened as he glanced over to the two monsters, remembering the events of the previous night. "L-Last night... Did that... did that really happen?" He asked in disbelief.