[hider= Kharne][b]Name:[/b] Kharne Blackwater [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Race:[/b] Half-Dragon/Half-Goliath [b]Appearance[/b] Kharne takes after both of his parents very heavily. His mothers size and strength, his fathers natural defenses and coloration. He stands at an intimidating ten feet tall. Fairly above average even among other Goliaths. He's built much like a barbarian or a fighter, thick muscles ripple beneath his scales even at a near idle. Speaking of his scales, most of his body is black with a blue sheen in the right light while the plating along his chest and underside of his tail are a dark royal purple. His massive wingspan and strength doesn't make up for the half-formed membrane that decorate it, only allowing him to glide or gain a boost to jumping distance. Strangely his horns are as white as freshly fallen snow, each one is about a foot and a half long and curve back slightly. Three spikes line the back of his jaw, the longest of which is four inches, the middle being three, and the bottom a mere two inches long. The spikes seem to protect his ears which can swivel to catch sounds and are pointed. Much likes his horns and spikes his claws, both hands and feet, are just as white. But the claws on his feet are clearly larger and designed to tear. Lastly his eyes, which are red with a reptilian pupil, sometimes glow depending on his mood. The more agitated and angry the brighter the glow. [b]Personality[/b] Kharne can best be described as a blunt individual. He despises most races flowery language that beats around the bush and instead goes right to the point. Despite his bluntness he has the patience of a mountain, only the truly stupid things in the world getting him to actually get snappy. Given his bestial nature though he's a natural empath. Able to sense true emotions to a limited degree, his humanoid nature sort of getting in the way with more reason and logic. Like almost any race if he's treated correctly he's a good ally. Treat him wrong and you'll find no friendship, no aid, and potentially a pissed off stream of acid. [b]History[/b] Kharne rarely gets into his history unless a superior has asked about it. He was a part of a Goliath tribe up in the mountains, his father unknown but clearly draconic, his mother a pure-blood Goliath. Once he was mature enough physically he left the tribe behind to survive in the mountains on his own. His draconic nature driving him to hunt and solitude while his Goliath side felt he was a drain on his single parent. Very few things could contend with him in the mountains that he wandered. Getting that nice Goliath size before finally leaving into the warmer climes beneath the mountains. Down below there was far less solitude than he thought there would be. There were these soft bipedal beings in houses. Dozens of them that ran and screamed merely at the sight of him. He didn't understand their gibberish, only the Giantish and Draconic from his people and own instinct. During the brief time he had been in the "valley" he encountered an old Knight. Such an odd being, this old man. Extremely few Goliath's lived to old age and even they went out to one-up their previous exploits. But the other odd thing was this old man could speak Draconic. So instead of yelling and screaming as he fled he held a conversation with the huge draconic man. Asking where he came from, what he planned on doing, typical stuff people wanted to know when they encountered a new and rare being. Kharne found himself without answers to some of these questions. He had been following his instincts so much that he never really thought about his own future aside from his next meal. Finding no answer he was given a choice to follow the elderly man and learn from him or continue on with his instinctual life. It's obvious what Kharne picked, he followed the man and learned things about the world that even his ancestors and tribe didn't know. He didn't know it but his mere presence helped the old man, who'd try to rob a guy with a ten foot tall behemoth nearby during their travels? Cut forward a few years and here we have a Kharne that had gained a good amount of knowledge, learned to suppress his instinctual dragon nature, and even push aside, most, of his Goliath competitiveness. He wasn't the scholarly sort but he wanted to learn things that could help him in the long run. Like potentially locating his draconic father if he ever felt like going that far. In his 'off time', meaning when he didn't have his face in a book, he learned the humanoid ways of fighting. With weapons, armor, and shields instead of tooth and claw. During his time of study he looked at the various kingdoms of the races. Their histories, their military strategies, strengths, weaknesses, etc. He also looked at the gods and goddesses each one sort of fell under. He didn't really see anything that he could follow himself just by reading. So he'd have to see what each offered when he decided to travel. Given his draconic nature he honestly had no idea how long he'd live but he could spend that time fighting and learning. The old knight he had helped before, and learned a little from, recommended he should participate in the upcoming meetings and fighting. Currently the behemoth is recommended to the human based kingdom to help where he's suitable. It wasn't possible to be a kingdom of one after all. How he got to be a part of the group was because of that old knight. He had done a lot of good for the kingdom and his word carried some weight. He recommended Kharne, who had been studying up on the other kingdoms and doing odd jobs, for the cause. There wasn't any resistance to the idea, having muscle was a good thing sometimes. Aside from studying he had been clearing the kingdom of bandit fortresses and hunting the larger monsters that seemed to roam the area. [b]Equipment[/b][list] [*] Crystal Greatsword: A monstrously huge sword made from what looks to be crystal. It glows a soft red, as if shining light through a refined rose quartz. It's eight feet long, the blade is single edged, it's four inches thick, and roughly fifteen inches wide. No one knows how much it weighs but the typical races can't even lift it. [*] Steel Arm: Steel plates cover his right arm, his first knuckles to his shoulder. This is in place of a shield, allowing more maneuverability to parry melee attacks. [*] "Champions" Belt: A particularly large steel clasp that goes around the waist. It's an inch thick and about five inches wide. Attached to the belt is a "skirt" of red fabric with a gold border that reaches his ankles. Offers minor protection and public decency. [*] Dragon Tooth Bangle: A leather bangle on his bicep that has a ring of dragon teeth. A keepsake from his tribe up in the mountains and offers nothing but memories. [/list] [b]Magic[/b][list] [*] Dragon Breath(Acid): Due to his draconic heritage he can fire a spray of acid in a 60ft line from his mouth. [i]This can only be used twice daily[/i] [*] Dragon Resistance(Acid): His dragon heritage gives him resistance to his own breath weapon damage type. [*] Rage: It's less magic and more his body going into overdrive. His strength and endurance are multiplied by 1.5x. His reflexes are heightened due to the 'higher brain functions' slowing down to not interfere. [b]Extra[/b] If you're wondering what Kharne sounds like, here ya go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dOXkdxP1ig [/list][/hider]