[center][color=black][b][u]10:44 PM; February 5th, 2026 My Alibi Night Club; Gotham City, New Jersey[/u] [i]'Well, Hood handed the reigns back to me at the worst time... [u]Again.[/u]'[/i][/b][/color] [color=2E2C2C]"Quite a thrill ride, his exploits... A marvelous sight to behold."[/color][/center]When David regained control of his body, he found himself with his back against an overturned metal table, an SMG in his hands and a pistol in his shoulder holster. Bullets struck the table, jolting it forward inch by inch. A body was next to him, head ripped apart like a blossoming flower. No doubt, it was Hood's doing. Realizing that he wasn't in the best situation, David checked the magazine in the SMG and took in a deep breath, only one thought running through his head... [b][color=black][i]'Here we go again...'[/i][/color][/b] He waited for a lull in the gunfire. As he did, he could hear [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy9r2qeouiQ&feature=youtu.be&t=29]the blaring music[/url] from a room over trickling in, as if getting louder in anticipation of his attack. After a few moments, the rain of bullets stopped, and he was sure he heard a faint "fuck, I'm out" from one of the men on the other side of the room. Taking his chance, David vaulted over the table, feeling his reflexes kick in and slow his perception of time. He fired off one shot, two shots, three shots at the group of seventeen men, taking out three of them. [i][color=black][b]'Three down, fourteen to go.'[/b][/color][/i] He ran towards the wall on the left, narrowly dodging bullets along the way, before he jumped on top of a table and then leapt feet first towards the wall. Using the wall as a springboard, he flung himself across the room and took in a deep breath. Time slowed around him, allowing him to shoot another man down before a bullet grazed his leg, making him flinch in pain and tumble to the ground, thankfully coming to a stop behind another table. [i][color=black][b]'Four down.'[/b][/color][/i] David shouted from behind his cover to the thugs. [b][color=black]"Hey guys, if you're thinking about surrendering, you can! It'd just be a bit disappointing!"[/color][/b] The only response he got was a barrage of bullets to his cover. He grinned. [color=black][b]"I'm gonna take that as a no!"[/b][/color] With that, he rolled out of cover, spraying and praying to take out as many as he could. He heard the click of an empty gun after managing to take out the remaining thugs with guns; the last nine all carried jians. Dave didn't recognize the swords, instead mistaking them for... [b][color=black]"Katanas? Fellas, you're a long way from Tokyo."[/color][/b] This seemed to make them angry, as one ran towards David, attempting to plunge the sword through his chest. David easily sidestepped the stab and tripped the swordsman up, before stomping on the back of his head and knocking him out. Picking up the sword, David twirled it in his hand. [color=black][b]"Alright, you wanna get nuts? Well c'mon then! [i]Let's get nuts![/i]"[/b][/color] The remaining eight men all ran towards David with their swords pointed outwards, all in an attempt to skewer him. In response, David jumped up onto one of the men's swords, kicking him in the face and spinning back around to stab one of the men in the throat. [color=black][b]"One, two!"[/b][/color] He ducked below a swing aimed at his back, elbowing the man in the gut and then flipping him over onto the ground, where he met a boot to the face. [color=black][b]"Three!"[/b][/color] David parried a blow aimed at his head, pulling his pistol from its holster and firing two shots to the man's torso. [color=black][b]"Four!"[/b][/color] He rolled backwards, away from one of the swordsmen who attempted to attack from the side, then fired a round into the man's head. Still on the ground, David spun around whilst swinging the sword, chopping deep into a thug's leg, then pulling the sword out. [color=black][b]"Five, six!"[/b][/color] He jumped up onto his feet, and ran towards one of the last two swordsmen. The man raised his sword to block a strike that wouldn't come; David stopped short and fired at the man's gun hand, making him drop the jian with a shout of pain, before David continued to sprint towards him. He sprung up, delivering a hard drop kick to the man's face. [color=black][b]"Seven!"[/b][/color] David stood over the defeated man, hearing a scream from the last swordsman as he ran towards David in an attempt to skewer him through the back. In response David simply spun around and delivered a bullet to the man's kneecap, making him tumble to the ground. David knocked him into unconsciousness with a hard kick to the nose. [color=black][b]"Eight. Jackpot."[/b][/color] David dusted off his jacket, chuckling. [color=black][b]"Without a scratch too! Flawless!"[/b][/color] He threw the sword to the ground, where it sprung back up, the hilt banging him right in the shin and causing him to wince and hiss slightly in pain. [color=black][b]"... Well, almost."[/b][/color] He turned around at the sound of a man groaning, seeing the one whose leg got chopped up groaning on the ground and clutching his wound. [color=black][b]"Hey jackass! Who do you work for?"[/b][/color] The only response David got was a loogie to the face. [color=black][b]"Well that was just disrespectful. How about this?"[/b][/color] David wiped the spit off, then stomped on the man's wounded leg. The man screamed. [color=black][b]"Now, who do you work for?"[/b][/color] [b]"Fuck... You!"[/b] David stomped harder. [color=black][b]"Answer me, and I stop."[/b][/color] [b]"I... I work for the Golden Dragon Triad!"[/b] [color=black][b]"What interest do they have in this place? Why'd you guys come to rob it?"[/b][/color] [b]"An ancient sword is here! Stolen by our rivals, the Punchinello Family! We were coming to get it back, and get some more in the process!"[/b] [color=black][b]"And where'd you take it? To your headquarters? Where is that?"[/b][/color] [b]"I'll never tell you!"[/b] [color=black][b][i]"I think you will."[/i][/b][/color] When Dave was finished with the man he was a babbling, tear stained mess of a man. But he got the information out of him. The Golden Dragon Triad are based out of a tea house, The Blossoming Rose. He'd have to head there tomorrow night; he had work in the morning, and he was beat right now. As he walked out to his motorcycle, he rolled his shoulders, only to wince in pain. [color=black][b]"Shit... Hood, what happened to my shoulder?"[/b][/color] [color=red][b]"We got shot."[/b][/color] [color=black][b]"Of course we did. I'll get it out when we get home."[/b][/color] David rode off into the night, heading home.