[img]https://i.imgur.com/fl5E36F.png[/img] "Da, this is good plan too." Bak said, trying to not let it show how uncomfortable the chill now creeping up through her parts made her. It wasn't as though Christine was hitting her with it directly this time. It meant they were basically betting it all on demolishing the other team, but that worked for her. After all, they couldn't defeat their flag if they couldn't fight back. Because they were all beat up. All beat up and apologetic. "Nyet, this is fantastic plan!" She cheered, flipping back on her thermal vision to keep track of where the enemy was coming from. Against the blizzard that Christine had whipped up they would stand out even more. It was then that she felt a nudge from behind and moved obediently forward. One red blob moved out from behind her and made its way across the field. "Rurik?" She asked, but it didn't give any reply or indication that it heard her. Definitely him then. "Rurik, if you move so far out I will not be able to defend you." She called to him. She kept a closer eye on the red blobs representing the enemy, then a concerning thought hit her. "Wait is this like rooftop demon plan?" No reply. "If this is like rooftop demon plan I am against it." Then suddenly, her vision went red. Totally, completely, incandescently red! All the blobs of head in her vision were engulfed, vanishing into the general signature. She gasped and cut the vision, re-tuning her eyes to the cold, now slightly snowy ground on their side of the field. What was that? What had they done? For a moment that hateful red inferno from the roof flashed in her head, fleeting visions of how mangled everyone had gotten in that fight. "Rurik come back come back come back come back!" [@KillamriX88][@Hammerman]