[@tobiax] Well, here she is. Although the crest is "Sincerity" this is actually supposed to be Joe's crest, not Mimi's; I'm working with the idea of "Sincerity" meaning honesty rather than Mimi's crest which was actually "Purity" in the original Japanese, while Joe's was "Sincerity" not "Reliability". I guess it works either way, since this character is anything but pure. [hider=The Liar] [b]Name[/b]: Erika Hanson [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Crest[/b]: Sincerity [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]https://img7-us.anidb.net/pics/anime/219138.jpg[/img] [b]Bio[/b]: Some people like to say “honesty is the best policy”, most people think little white lies never hurt anyone and others spend every day pretending to be something they are not just to get through life. As you grow out of childhood and into adulthood it’s important to find the right balance between truths and lies that will allow you to comfortably navigate social situations in a way that both lets you get what you want while also not troubling your conscience too much; in Erika’s case, she found that life got a lot easier when she started telling people what they wanted to hear rather than what was true or what she really thought. She also found that lying didn’t really bother her that much. Erika is a popular person, well-liked by almost everyone she meets at school or elsewhere; she is seen as kind, caring and intelligent, always willing to help when asked or always available to lend an ears to someone’s troubles. She’s never short on friends, has a thriving social life and always has a smile on her face; no boyfriends though, she’s always too busy to date and will gently turn down anyone who asks her out. She seems almost perfect. Because this is what she wants people to think. To tell the truth, and she rarely does, the Erika most people see is just a character she came up with to make her life easier. She doesn’t care about the people she helps, or the petty problems they come to her with, she just helps them because it’s what’s expected of her; besides you’d be surprised at how quickly you build up favours like that and when you’re seen as someone who is always so busy helping others it is to pass your responsibilities off onto everyone else. She doesn’t actually like the people she hangs out with nor shares any of the interests she claims to share with them. It’s easy to pretend to have a busy social life when you get invited to everything, even if you end up going to none of them. She doesn’t like people nearly as much as she pretends to; if anything she’d say she hates them. But people don’t really like it when you tell them that; nobody actually wants to hear the truth. [hider=Digimon] [b]Personality[/b]: Like most Wormmon, this one is timid and nervous by nature; severely lacking in self-confidence and overly worried, she is often trying to group up with others to comfort herself and is especially dependant on her partner for reassurance. As she Digivolves she becomes more and more confident in herself as she advances through the stages, as a Champion being more self-assured but still preferring to let others take the lead and as an Ultimate and Mega gaining increased confidence in her strength and abilities. Stage- Baby [b]Species[/b]: Leafmon [b]Attribute[/b]: Free Technique- 1: Acidic Bubbles Stage- In-Training [b]Species[/b]: Minomon [b]Attribute[/b]: Free Technique- 1: Pinecone Stage- Rookie [b]Species[/b]: Wormmon [b]Attribute[/b]: Free Technique- 1: Silk Thread 2: Sticky Net Stage- Champion [b]Species[/b]: Hundiemon [b]Attribute[/b]: Free Technique- 1: Infinity Dream 2: Flying Kick Stage- Ultimate [b]Species[/b]: Lilamon [b]Attribute[/b]: Data Technique- 1: Lila Shower 2: Marvel Shot 3: Un Deux Pollen Stage- Mega [b]Species[/b]: Lotusmon [b]Attribute[/b]: Data Technique- 1: Seven’s Fantasia 2: Serpent Ruin 3: Serpent Cure [b]Other[/b]: N/A [/hider] [b]Other[/b]: N/A [/hider]