[color=00aeef][center][h1]Chres Sansus[/h1][/center][/color] Interaction with [@HokumPocus] [hr] [color=#dde0c7]"Chres!"[/color] Chres heard a familiar voice call out... his name? Yes... that was his name... Chres shifted his weight painfully to get a better look at the one calling his name. He could feel something underneath him. Something poking him in his ribs. What was that? Chres blinked his eyes a few times, trying to clear his vision and focus on the one calling him. It was a finely dressed man running frantically towards him. He knew this man. [color=00aeef]"Oc... Octavio?"[/color] Yes Octavio. This man's name was Octavio. Chres tried again to move. The pain and nausea came, but he expected it this time. He was able to keep what remained in his stomach down and ignore the pain. Slowly he got himself into a sitting position. Chres closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his right hand. His head was pounding like crazy. It was so hard to think... [color=00aeef]"Are... Are the others oka-"[/color] Chres began as he looked up in Octavio's direction. He stopped mid-sentence however because- [color=00aeef]"Wh- Why are three... No... Four? ... yes, four... four Octavios..."[/color] Chres slumped his head back towards the ground, sighing audibly. His hand still rubbing his head. A useless attempt to make the pounding go away. [color=00aeef]"Why? ... Why are there four of you, Octavio?"[/color] Chres must have hit his head really hard. Chres looked towards the ground. Some of his belongings appeared to having been knocked out of his traveling bag. This included a few Crystal Jade candles. Their Crystal Jade surface sparkling amidst the day's light. One candle in particular caught Chres's eye...