She laughed at the responses to her toast and then emptied her mug: she didn't plan on getting [i]too[/i] deeply into her cups, at least not until she's had a proper look around and been appropriately picky about the food on offer. She'd just lowered into a hunker to accept an offered piece of what smelled like smoked fish when the whistle cut through the air and prompted one of her ears to flick toward its owner. [i]Catgirl[/i], though the actual sounds offen differed, was pretty much the same in every language Kiris had yet encountered and that brought her head up and her eyes to the dwarf. She sniffed at the air at the offer of food and then hopped down from the table; it spared her from having to eat the awful fish. She liked fish well enough, but for some reason all the hairless monkeys thought it would be wonderful to offer her an endless variety of milks, fishes, and cheeses. Kiris issued a curious trilling sound as she approached the table, and as she settled into a chair her citrine gaze wandered the group as she caught mention of the panther -- surely Shari -- though her expression doesn't make it easy to tell she understands what's being said. [color=9ACD32]"Rre?"[/color] The trill is a pleasant enough sound, and rises at the end like a question.