"What do you say we explore the possibility of us? May we date, Sofie?" Sofie flinched. It was a bad reaction, she knew and her cheeks heated up in response to her own actions but she wasn't used to this. People in her career, the ones who pursued romance anyways always had a hidden agenda up their sleeve. Relationships were just a way to mutually benefit from each other, they weren't suited for love, warmth and care. She'd never seen such a thing demonstrated in the people she was usually around with and for a lack of a better word, she would describe the whole experience as uncomfortable. However, for once she felt light and free. She could afford to be in love, to actually like someone could she? She could let down her defenses? [center]-'-[/center] [i]"YOU STUPID GIRL!" Hands grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and slammed her against the wall. Her head crashed against it and she felt a throbbing make it's way into her skull. Blood streamed down from her closed fists, results of her nails embedding themselves in her soft palms. "You listen to me okay, Sofie?" Father knelt down in her front of her, his face livid and full of anger. "Yes." Sofie answered, cracked lips brushing each other as she opened her mouth. "You never cry in the face of death. It makes you weak." Father gestured at the picture of mother, one where she sat smiling, Sofie held tightly in her arms. "But...it was mother. I loved her." She knew she shouldn't have said it but Sofie was too tired now, too upset, too angry to deal with any of the consequences she'd have to face. SLAM! Sofie tried hard to catch her breath as she went sliding down to the floor, blood from her fingers streaking her cheeks as she tried to rub her head. "Love has no place in this world, in our paths we've chosen. You, child, you have to learn this...DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" His foot stomped down on her bare feet and she screamed. "ANSWER ME!" "Yes." She managed as she struggled to get up. She couldn't remain on the floor, no, it would only make him angrier. "Good." His mouth spread into a smile and as he turned to go his hands brushed aside the picture of her mother, causing it to land face down on the ground with the glass shattered and scattered in small glittering pieces around them. A tear dripped down her cheek.[/i] [center]-'-[/center] "Ed, I..." What was she going to say? She didn't know anything of love and he didn't know anything about her. Would he be so accepting knowing what she'd done in the past? How many people were broken and bloodied because of her? And as for her herself...was she willing to let another person in? Her mother had always told her that love was real, that it was out there somewhere so was this finally her chance? The questions plagued her as she struggled for an answer. Maybe she could try it out. Her mom would've liked that. If she was still here. "You don't know me. And...I've...I just..." The words struggled to find themselves out of her mouth. How could she admit to him who she had used to be? Who she maybe still was? She longed for love yes, but what would his reaction be? Finally, Sofie closed her eyes and grabbed his hand, softly. "I'm not the person you think I am."