[center] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjkzYmNjOC5RMkZ0YVd4c1lTQlJkV2x1YmcsLC4w/lovelyou-free.regular.png[/img][/center] [hr] [indent] A harrumph escaped Camilla’s mouth as Jack stated he didn’t need paid back for his favor earlier. But much like his actions to defend her, dressing his wound was much the same; would it be so different if she’d had a visible injury for him to attempt to fix? She chewed on the inside of her cheek as she watched her partner hesitantly stand. She supposed that they now lived in a world where there was a cost for everything, even for an act of kindness. She should not have been so offended, yet she stood indignantly as Jack continued speaking. Besides that, none of this was regarding her skill as a hunter. She was young and inexperienced, but past that she [i]wasn’t[/i] bad. She wasn’t a skilled predator trained to stalk and hunt and inherently [i]know[/i] what she was fighting against, but she was willing to learn. [b][color=powderblue]”Thanks,”[/color][/b] the woman grumbled, watching as the jacket haphazardly fell to the floor. There were small blessings about Jack: one was that he wasn’t obsessively compelled to make sure everything was neat and tidy. [b][color=powderblue]”But I haven’t exactly started dressin’ it yet, have I?”[/color][/b] The boots soon followed, clunks on the floor that would no doubt make the downstairs neighbors wonder if she could have another fellow over so soon. Her blue eyes followed them until they rested solidly on the floor, then up to see his shirt pulling upward. Immediately a concerned look entered her eyes. [b][color=powderblue]”Jesus, JD,”[/color][/b] she muttered, only able to stand and look at the ugly wound before her. It was already irritated, a line of erythema surrounding the puffy tissue that the splice of wood emanated from. [b][color=powderblue]”Fucked up is a word for it,”[/color][/b] Cam said, her stomach clenching at the site, [b][color=powderblue]”but maybe we shouldn’t –”[/color][/b] A quiet squelch sounded throughout the small room as the splinter was dislodged from Jack’s side. The crazy bastard had pulled it out. Immediately it started oozing, coloring the cracks of his hand with a bright red. [b][color=powderblue]”I was so not ready for that,”[/color][/b] Cam chastised, looking around for a piece of cloth that she wouldn’t mind ruining. The woman grimaced as she hustled back to the bathroom, pulling out her rattiest looking washcloth before returning to Jack. He had an almost smug smile on his face as he looked at her and even had the audacity to wink! [b][color=powderblue]”This is bullshit,”[/color][/b] she said, moving towards him and climbing on top of the bed for easier access. After all, leaning over him for God knew how long wasn’t an idea she was willing to entertain. Not at the moment, anyway. Cam swatted his hand away from his side and stuck the washcloth to it, pressing to continue attempting to staunch the blood. [b][color=powderblue]”Honestly, what were you thinking?”[/color][/b] she asked with a tsk of her tongue, shaking her head minutely as she continued holding the cloth against Jack. [b][color=powderblue]”Ripping that out without preamble… Not cool, dude.”[/color][/b] Surely there wasn’t enough alcohol in the world to have completely numbed that sting. Cam released a pent-up breath that she hadn’t realized she’d been holding before pulling the washcloth away for a moment, looking down and surveying the wound. It wasn’t bleeding badly, but there was steady drainage from it. She pressed once more and looked up to Jack. [b][color=powderblue]”I know you like to keep this bad-boy, ‘I don’t feel anythin’ and ‘the world can kiss my ass’ persona thing, but maybe next time holler at me when you’ve got half a tree stickin’ out of your side?”[/color][/b] She let pressure up again after a few minutes, now happy with the results. She unscrewed the cap off the peroxide bottle and looked to Jack with a grimace. [b][color=powderblue]”It’s gonna hurt,”[/color][/b] she offered, not saying much else as she poured the liquid over the wound. It foamed as it ran over the jagged edges of inflamed skin but trickled down onto the bed in a mixture of light pink liquid. [b][color=powderblue]”Shit.”[/color][/b] Cam dried the area with some gauze before placing more squares loosely over the opening, taping it in place. [b][color=powderblue]”I’m not sure I can do much else,”[/color][/b] she said, sitting back and looking at her handiwork. It was by no means hospital quality, but it would serve its purpose for now. As long as the injury didn’t get infected, it didn’t matter how it looked… did it? [b][color=powderblue]”I have a bandage, like an ACE? It will help if you plan to move around, but other than that, I don’t have anything else.”[/color][/b] She swirled around on the bed, allowing her back to collapse onto the mattress and her head and on a pillow. [b][color=powderblue]”I’m not sure I currently have the energy to look on the computer for anything. It’s there if you need it.”[/color][/b] Cam fought a yawn, eventually losing as she ungraciously opened her mouth. [/indent]