[center][h2]Christine Abigail[/h2][/center] [hr] Christine smiled brightly after she heard Bak approving of her plan. [i]"Yes! We can win this for sure! Now we just need someone to actually go to the other side and grab the flag!"[/i], she thought to herself. As if on cue, Rurik volunteered to be that someone. Or at the very least, that's what she thought in her heart. "Go get them, Rurik!" She waved at him. Suddenly, just when she thought everything was going their way, heat began to spread all around the battlefield, diminishing the cold she had been generating. "W-what?!" She saw magma and rocks appearing from the earth at the opponent's side, protecting them from her wind and cold. [i]Of course! Its their side's ability![/i] She glanced nervously towards Bak. "Umm, Bak, what should I do now? I can go there and combat the heat but I have to get close." [@Gentlemanvaultboy][@KillamriX88]