[@Blueflame][@lightningmaiden] [color=0087BD]"Missing child case, believed to have been abducted by a witch."[/color] Rost reiterated, quoting the case file, [color=0087BD]"Reasons why are impossible to say. There's too many variables, too many possible motives. We should focus on the how and where rather than the why, just for the time being."[/color] he explained as he lead Amaya and Mason towards his car. Given how pressing this matter was, the scribe elected to worry about updating Mason's seal later. [color=0087BD]"We shall be following protocol properly for this mission, you two. You are not to use any supernatural abilities without my express permission; unless loss of life is imminent or civilians are in danger. If anyone sees your powers, round them up and flash their memory immediately; there's neuralyzers in the car.[/color] Rost's car was about as far as one could expect from the vehicle of a secret agent in his line of work. The best word for it would be, in short underwhelming; a dark blue Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser with wood-grain paneling and black, faux-leather seats. Superficially, the only thing out of the ordinary was that a wall of bullet proof glass had been installed, dividing the front and rear seats entirely. [color=0087BD]"I'm afraid the two of you will have to squeeze into the front with me. The rear is not currently functional."[/color]