[@Rune_Alchemist][@Duoya] Dirka looked at Hayim and rolled her eyes. she gently grabbed him and smiled. [color=#9400D3]"Let's just go. Come on pretty bloom, we're going to play with brother Iva."[/color] She looked at the messenger and felt pity. It had to fly the whole way back. She sighed then held out her other arm for it. [color=#9400D3]"Come on, faceless one. I'll give you a ride."[/color] The bird like creature seemed thrilled. It flew onto her arm and perched there. She then continued to the portal, where it closed behind her. They appeared in the library's main tower. Dirka set Hayim down on a table and the she looked at the messenger. [color=#9400D3]"Go, fetch your master. It's playtime!"[/color] [hr] When Rescoreje exited the garden to check on his- no no thoughts like that- on Deruga, he was surprised by a Deruga on the floor coughing up blood, and another ascended mage tending to him. He rushed over and bent down. [color=0054a6]"What happened? What even is happening?"[/color] The mage looked at him with a grave look. "The same curse as before, my young lord. He started coughing, and I examined him, and it is as it seems. He is once again infected with the Rorshy blood curse. But at least we have the dispel this time, but only you, the mistress, and [i]he[/i] could do it without ritual." Rescoreje smacked his face in annoyance. [color=0054a6]"By mother's eye...okay, do you know the words?"[/color] The mage nodded. [color=0054a6]"Then start speaking them so I can learn them on the go. Hopefully this works."[/color] The mage started reciting, and Rescoreje repeated while performing the necessary movements. They had to work fast if they wanted Deruga to live as he is, and not go through the true curse on Deruga's soul. [hr] Terzotz was playing a game with some other of Dirka's minions. It was called knuckle boned, using the bones of some large beast. He was having issues in the beginning, not have small dexterous hands, but he learned to use his dry barbed tongue instead. He was't loosing, but he wasn't winning either. He tossed the bones again. When they landed the current winner sighed in relief. But the dragon went into a rage. [color=#808080]"By the lady's left breast, damn you, Spectajok! I swear, you've tampered with these, you daft weasel!"[/color] He yelled at the golem. The skinny, lanky construct made an electrical noise that was laughter for him. "At least you ain't the fairy over there." The Nixie seemed to produce steam from that remark. "Fey, not fairy. They are liars who work for Iarus, and not true fey." A mage started laughing then whispered into Terzotz's ear. [i]"But at least they don't turn ya' down on the harvest festival."[/i] Terzotz doubled over laughing.