Didn't see we'd made a proper thread till now. Gonna put my CS here like everyone else has. [hider=Ualla the Lifeweaver] Name: Ualla Gender: Male Major Domains: Life and Nature Minor Domains: The Forest, The Sea, Rebirth, Evolution, The Primal Will (survival instincts and junk) Opposing Domains: Death, Industry Appearance: [img] https://66.media.tumblr.com/035ddfa803c718f907c225f190567936/tumblr_o5lhe2hBPe1saew11o1_500.jpg [/img] Ualla, being the progenitor of life, is capable of both altering his limbs and growing completely new ones, and regularly does so to further his experiments and ambitions. Core Appearance: A small, chaotic sphere formed from roots, each one spiraling around the others. Personality: Ualla, in the eyes of many, seems to be a lot like the 'grumpy old man' of the gods. He is rather like a craftsman, except instead of metal or stone, he works with life itself, weaving together DNA as a master tailor would thread. He takes great pride in his work too, always working and experimenting to improve the forms of his creations so they might survive just that little bit easier, and interrupting him while he is working is an easy way to get on his bad side, if only for a day or so. More likely than not, he will decide it isn't worth his time to keep being angry at you, and return to his work. It is for this reason that, for the most part, he tries to stay out of the politics and feuds between the other gods, especially now that the throne is open. To fight over something like that would be [i]far[/i] too much of a hassle. He is also [i]very[/i] protective of life itself, hence why he is so dedicated to helping it continue in spite of what the world throws at them. He does understand the necessity of death, and that in the end it is nearly impossible for a living thing to survive without ending the life of something else, but it is the death that has no purpose that truly enrages him. Things like natural disasters, and wars. However, even above that, he utterly despises those who would desecrate life, such as undead and necromancers. Relationships: Anacahe - Like with the other Primordials, Ualla sees Anacahe as his brother. However, unlike the others, he views the death god with... more [i]frustration[/i] than anything else. Despite how much he dislikes it, he understands that death is necessary for life, at least until he finds a way to prevent it in all beings, that is. However, the sheer [i]disrespect[/i] Anacahe has for what should be an [i]extremely[/i] heavy concept, the flippancy he shows towards it, irritates Ualla to no end. Novissime - Similar to Sandrimor and Anacahe, Ualla thinks of Novissime as his sister, and views her with a lot more favour than Anacahe. This is due to the fact that life is technically a transition, and she therefore shares the process with him. However, he also finds her kind of annoying, considering the number of times she has tried to trap him between infinite doors. Legio - As the god of life, Ualla is technically the creator of humanity, and is therefore obligated to love them as his own children like everything else. However, their tendency to use other forms of life without regard for said lives wellbeing frustrates him, and Legio's insistence that he give humanity extra benefits in spite of this pushes this frustration even further. It is now at the point where he views the species, and by extension Legio, as something of a rebellious child. However, he still regularly requests that Legio pass down the values of life to his people wherever possible. Allegiances: Ualla rarely involves himself with the politics of other gods. He was content enough to provide his brother, Sandrimor, with his core because he knew he wouldn't be interrupted in his work too often while he was on the throne. Now however, he is a little more apprehensive, and will have to wait and see if anyone else really earns his respect. Domain: [img]http://www.yukokusamurai.com/data/archive/img/2367513010.jpeg [/img] The Spiritwild, a massive forest with great trees that tower into the heavens and vast lakes deeper than the deepest oceans of the mortal realms. It serves as Ualla's workshop, where all of his creations are built and tested before they are introduced to the worlds, and indeed every species to ever exist can be found living amongst the trees in a single, enormous ecosystem. There is also a single populated city in the Spiritwild, grown directly into the single biggest tree in the center of the forest, Diladra. This city is populated by the Primordial Elves, the ancestor race from which all others evolved, the Beastfolk, both Greater and Lesser, and those who devote themselves to the Green strongly enough. Peoples: While most races can technically count themselves among Ualla's people due to their creation at his hands, there are three groups who are usually especially devout. The first of these are the Primordial Elves. Tall, grey skinned beings with only very [i]slightly[/i] pointed ears, these are the first sapient race to evolve from the apes, and the single base ancestor that would eventually evolve into every other, based on the environment in which they found themselves. Once the specimens in the new worlds have evolved, they are once again only found within the Spiritwild, where they serve as some of the greatest masters of the Green. The second group is the Beastfolk, of which there are two kinds. The first, Lesser Beastfolk, look just like your average humans, except with animal features. A tail and some ears here, some claws and scales there, maybe even some horns. Like many animals, they can see in the dark, and their other senses are generally enhanced too. Then there are the Greater Beastfolk, which are far closer to the animals whose appearance they take, except far more intelligent and bipedal. Finally, there are the druids, practitioners of the Green who seek to preserve life in Ualla's name. The Green allows them to manipulate wood similarly to the way Ualla does it, growing objects out of the tree while still keeping it and the tree alive. Then there are the greatest of the druids, the Green Sages. To these few great masters, Ualla grants a portion of his own blood. This lets him temporarily reshape their bodies the way he does his own, allowing them to use the abilities of animals and monsters they have encountered in their travels. They can even transform fully into beasts on occasion, although this is rare, as it takes a greater willpower than most beings can achieve to do so without giving into animal instincts. Finally, due to the sharing of his blood, it is possible for Ualla to reincarnate in one of the sages bodies, should he be killed. However, this choice must be made by the follower themselves, as until they perform the necessary ritual, he will remain completely dormant. Avatar and Anathema: Due to his belief in the power of nature and life, Ualla has not created an Anathema of his own. However, he has created two powerful Avatars, who serve as guardians of nature. They are the great sea spirit Uadne, Guardian of the Deep, and the forest spirit Uara, Guardian of the Green. [hider=Uadne, Guardian of the Deep] [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/s/common/uploaded_files/1447962054-bee4b58a7f033135a8665e0b6cd7acd4.jpeg [/img] [/hider] [hider=Uara, Guardian of the Green] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/3304a156-ab15-4f0a-b904-abf43ffd20b3/d5ks51n-683d01f5-1d34-43a8-8256-a914da21b03f.jpg/v1/fill/w_1179,h_678,q_70,strp/forest_creature_by_jesper_ullbing_d5ks51n-pre.jpg [/img] [/hider] [/hider]