[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/tumblr_mreayzbi521rhyxudo1_500.png] LUCIFEL SALAZAR 17 years old member of Glamour Lucifel is a junior at AOA. He walks around campus wearing fake horns and a cape carrying a stuffed duck named Tapioco, who he calls "THE DARK LORD" and claims is his other self. It is not strange to see him whip out the doll in mid conversation and he will consult Tapioco for advice. He proudly announces to everybody he meets that he is THE PRINCE OF HELL and addresses everyone as mortal or human, while he calls himself a demon prince. There is a rumor that Lucifel practices dark magic because every time he somebody offends him, something bad mysteriously happens to the person in question, like they trip on the stairs or forget their homework. But in reality Lucifel can be very nice and he donates almost all of the money he gets from his part time job at a fast food restaurant to charity. Despite his strange personality, Lucifel somehow is actually really popular at school. It is easy for him to get a date and Lucifel enjoys treating girls like princesses, mostly because as THE PRINCE OF HELL, he believes any girl he spends time with deserves to be treated like royalty. The members of Glamour are his closest friends and he gives them all demonic nicknames, something he only does with people he likes, and calls them: Vampire Trixxtal, Hellhound Cepheus, Demon Mizuki, Shikigami Touda, and The Dark Pimp (Petrios). [/center]