Kaleeth still looked to be uncertain. She turned her head to the side and pressed it up against the tree, closing her eyes and concentrating on the Hist itself. Although, after a few seconds, she continued, albeit more quietly. "You don't understand. It is...fundamental to us. An Argonian that does not know the Hist would be like living without one of your senses. It would be as if your parents had forced you to live your childhood blindfolded." Looking back up at Janius, Kaleeth hesitated, then sighed. "Well...I guess you're not wrong either. We did do [i]something[/i] for him. We gave him a naming ceremony, and the sap, but...we should have done more, I think. More sap, at least. I can't imagine how he is experiencing all of this. This is probably the first time he is [i]really[/i] feeling the full presence of the Hist. It's natural to me, even after being away for all this time, but he has to be hearing the voices in his mind, speaking without words. Has he...been acting strangely. I should know, but I might have been too distracted by my own worries." [hr] Both Gwindir and S'nashi frowned, though of course, S'nashi was the first to speak up. "Oh my, that just...all sounds like such a shame. Especially for such a fine young man like you. A respectable person like you deserves to be, well, respected." Gwindir sat back in his chair, nodding. "I think my dear S'nashi is quite right. You've been nothing but a loving and faithful husband to our daughter, and I think you deserve better. And, just going from your description here, it doesn't sound [i]completely[/i] hopeless. Your siblings, your mother, if they can accept you, Ahnasha, and us, then that just leaves your father alone. I can't imagine having my [i]whole[/i] family against me on something as important as this, but not even giving a thought that they might be right. Surely, he has to have some doubts? Even if he keeps them bottled up inside himself. Surely there is some hope that he could change his mind? I think we should have a nice, big dinner together; our family and yours. With all you've done for our daughter, I'd like to at least [i]try[/i] to help you repair your relationship with your father. We can all get to know each other, Shevari can cook up something delicious for us. It would be nice."