[@Kazemitsu] [@Duthguy] [@Guy0fV4lor] [@Zeroth] The young dire rat observed the conversation between the slimes and the goblins. Ed was rather amazed by the fact that Jason had managed to salvage the situation, considering how bad things were going when he had left them. He was not too keen on the idea of helping the creatures that were actively trying to hunt and kill them a number of hours ago. But in this world, they needed as much help as they can to survive. Even from former enemies. Slowly, he approaches Jason and makes his appearance to the goblins present. Doing his best to keep alert keep weary of the goblins, but not display any signs of aggression that may affect the success of Jason's words to bring the goblins to their side. Finally close enough to the mage slime, he whispers to him. [color=chocolate]"Jason, I hate them for their attempts to kill us. But if you think they could help deal with the problems we have, I am at least willing to cooperate with them."[/color] A sigh escapes the dire rat's mouth as he keeps his gaze upon the goblins and sneers. [color=chocolate]"I do hope this would not bite us on the ass when the time comes."[/color] [hider=Stats] LVL: 5 HP: [color=orangered]Very Hurt[/color] SP: [color=darkkhaki]Rested[/color] MP: [color=green]Full[/color] Effect/s: [color=green]Muddy[/color] [b]SKILLS:[/b] Unspent Skill Points: [color=red]12[/color] Current Skills: Beast Sense I (1.6) Rabid Fit I (1.2) Stronger I (1.05) Muffle I (1.0) __________________________________ SKILL PROGRESS: Material Analysis (0.2) Magic Analysis (0.6) Monster Analysis (0.6) Faster (0.4) Warcry (0.1) Alert (0.3) Dextrous (0.6) Tremor Sense (0.025) Mental Resistance (0.9) Telepathy (0.075) Mana Shape (0.6) Focus (0.6) Shield (0.5) Mana Shell (0.3) Soil Manipulation (0.45) Overwork (0.5) Harder (0.2) Crafting (0.25) First Aid (0.1) Meditate (0.3) [b]Inventory:[/b] -Lizard Stomach Water skin x 1 [Very Worn] ; (Filled with 10 mana crystals) [/hider] [hider=Action Summary] Observed conversation between the goblins and the slimes. Moved closer to Jason and talks to him. Keeping alert to the actions of the goblins. [/hider]