[@Mangrale] That's because the forum automatically take huge pictures and scales them to fit on the page. When you indent, you're reducing the allowed space for an image, shrinking it in turn. the best way to shrink an image is to just boot up your favorite paint software and scale it down. It saves you from having to do a bunch of messy indents every time you want to use an image. Some image hosting sites offer simple resize options if you don't feel like doing it yourself. Everyone hates tumbler, but I uploaded this image to it. [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9ec0bfd628d533429a1f8a257bb19581/tumblr_pe6wd8ikCc1w6599so1_1280.png[/img] If you open the image in it's own tab, you'll notice the last 4 digits in the address are "1280." That's actually a resolution code. By simply changing that to 640 in the URL... [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9ec0bfd628d533429a1f8a257bb19581/tumblr_pe6wd8ikCc1w6599so1_640.png[/img] ...we get a smaller image, and we can go smaller. [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9ec0bfd628d533429a1f8a257bb19581/tumblr_pe6wd8ikCc1w6599so1_400.png[/img] And we can even go even smaller than that. [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/9ec0bfd628d533429a1f8a257bb19581/tumblr_pe6wd8ikCc1w6599so1_100.png[/img]