Alright that about covers it, so now I won't forget this. :P [hider=Jason's Been Lazy] [color=0054a6][b][list][*]Powers[/list][/b][/color] Although his powers have decently improved, Jason appears to be holding himself back quite a bit as evident by his behavior. He's been seen as able to lift the weight equivalent of a whole sedan, however, the month has been spent pretending that his powers are next to nothing, though he's done a poor job of this. A recent occurrence involving one 'Isaac Miller' and another classmate when Jason witnessed a bullying caused him to apparently accidentally rip a large chunk of the ground out from under Isaac and hurl it several miles away. It would appear an adrenalin rush extends into his telekinetic powers. Nobody witnessed this, but accounts from both Isaac's victim, Isaac himself, and the large gaping hole in the ground eventually led the staff to the only two possible culprits, and since Sally couldn't currently lift such a large piece out of the ground and hurl it that far, Jason was found as the culprit, though his punishment was minor as he had good intentions. His X-Factor mutation has expanded it's range to about thirty feet, making life a lot more annoying. [color=0054a6][b][list][*]Relationships[/list][/b][/color] Though quiet, Jason has slowly attempting to smash his shell into tiny itty bitty little pieces, (because he always hated that shell cuz it was itchy and cramped) but also because he's possibly made some friends within the academy. Him and Drake have taken passing glances at each other and even spoken a few times. Meanwhile him and Aya have been breaking the ice, occasionally hanging out. Jason seems to have a rather large distain for Isaac, seeming to have pointed him out as the resident jerk, and has made next to no contact with him, with the exception of the one incident. He's spoken with the others all at least once, though mostly about trivial things, leaving much of him a mystery. Why can't he just tell people about himself?! Much mystery, so shy. [/hider]