Yeah! Though I want to clarify just in case I didn't do it very well in the beginning; Streamers can use all the base abilities, meaning they'll all be telepaths and teleporters etc., but whichever power you specialize in will grant you the specialist abilities of those powers- assuming you learn how to use them, which won't be too hard otherwise it wouldn't be any fun :P Also mind control is like... you can possess a mundane person, totally take over their body, but thats just one person at a time and all your concentration, though you would get better at it in time. Psychic control is more useful for mind controlling other Streamers (try not to do the PC chars :O ) and there will be times when other Streamers oppose you, but mostly it's for putting the whammy on the aliens, taking control of their Hunters and Seekers so you can escape! I'm doing it like that so it's a bit more insular, like sure mundane people will be involved, but this is all happening because you are psychic and the aliens are psychic and the mysterious connection between the streamers and the aliens, so it's between all of you- but it's also going to open up a lot. You start as a captive in a Streamer Realm controlled by the aliens, and a Streamer Realm is basically any world exposed to the Stream, which is the psychic tether threading across the universe - hence Streamers, we're streaming our connection to use our powers - but anyway that's only so you can have a character from anywhere in the world with any kind of history you want and still you all meet up and start together. The RP begins with an escape from the Seeker Prison back to the 'real world' and kind of takes on a fact-finding mission, pooling our information, getting to know each other, figuring out whats safe and what isnt and how to fend off Seekers and Hunters, maybe even building a base or something, I mean I do have a plot in mind, but I kind of want it to be open-worldy too where we get to figure things out on our own and make our own decisions on what to do.