[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9e/54/b7/9e54b74fdfbb87b8e20a47fd63a53009.jpg[/img] [b]Jane Tucker[/b] [b]Age : 34[/b] [i]Brerratic Physician[/i] Bio : A skilled healer from the inner kingdom. She was the one who healed Penelope after she got badly injured on the journey back to the king. Jane is generally a kind and friendly person. However, she's very selfish and greedy, often not doing anything that doesn't give her something- be it wealth, money or power- in return. Despite her usually corrupt motives, she takes her job very seriously and is a diligent worker. Jane tends to be overly cautious so she tends to be very organized and always carefully planning for things that might go wrong. [/center]