[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/codeblack.png] TOUDA SINCLAIRE 15 years old member of Glamour Touda is a sophomore at AOA and the practically the baby of Glamour. He is like an innocent angel and it is a mystery as to how he remains pure when all he does is hang out with playboys. It is like whenever he is about to become corrupted, divine intervention descends from the heavens and protects Touda's innocence. He does not understand what it is his friends do and thinks "wingman" means being in charge of ordering hotwings for dinner. Touda loves three things: music, SILVER☆SUPER☆STAR, and pizza. He enrolled in the music course because he loves to sing and it was his voice that caught the attention of Glamour. He is a big fan of SILVER☆SUPER☆STAR and was ecstatic when he learned the school's headmaster was his favorite idol, and Touda is a member of the fan club run by Suzaku. Finally, Touda has a bizarre love for pizza and it is not strange to see him randomly carrying a box or giving out free slices to people. [/center]