Kaleeth did not look to be encouraged by Janius' answer. Regardless, she slowly brought herself to stand up, but still kept her hands touching the tree. "And I don't even know how to help him. Maybe one experience with the sap was enough, but...what if it wasn't? What if there is something permanently wrong with him because of us? I...guess I just have to hope that Thorantilth can help. He is a Treeminder, like..." Kaleeth stopped mid-sentence. For a few seconds, she ran her hands across the tree bark before finally turning away towards Janius. "...like Meesei was. Meesei was trained to be a Treeminder, right? Before she...left? She knows all the rituals, and she would have known if we were doing something wrong. Maybe I [i]am[/i] worrying too much? I'm sure she would have done something to help if we were making any mistakes. I don't know; maybe we should get back to my father before I worry myself to death. I do want to visit Reanaseer soon, but I don't think there will be any problem with us staying here." [hr] Just based on their expressions, it did not seem like either Gwindir or S'nashi were taking the situation with Fendros' father quite as seriously as he was presenting it to be. Although, Vasiq did at least look to be more concerned. Gwindir's response remained just as upbeat as before. "Well, I'll be glad to meet whoever you would like to introduce us to for now. I'm sure that once we all get together and get to know each other, we'll figure out a way to work it out. I still think we should make it a dinner; a great meal is a great thing to bond over, I find." "I think that's a wonderful idea." S'nashi added immediately. "I think there is so much we need to catch up on, and that would give us plenty of time to do it. I can hardly even imagine all that must have happened, even just for you alone, Ahnasha. Or maybe not...I mean, you hardly even look like you've aged a day. You simply must tell me your secret." Ahnasha crossed her arms nervously on the table. "Oh, I've just kept myself healthy. Perhaps with a...little bit of alchemy from a friend." "Well, if your friend ever comes to Leyawiin, they just [i]have[/i] to pay me a visit." S'nashi grinned. "As long as their services are not [i]too[/i] expensive, of course." Gwindir commented, though he soon looked more seriously at Fendros. "Do you think you could arrange for a dinner with your family? Do you think your family would want to be the ones to host? I [i]would[/i] like for Shevari to be able to be the one to cook for us."