[@Hero] With all due respect. You telling me about Alternative Tundra's problems, isn't relevant/concerning to my comment at all. I'm aware that it's been labeled as a slow starting RP for leeway sake, and my very first sentence is explaining I have no issue with the delayed introductory post. (Helk, if anything it makes this taxing month easier on me personally.) But RP's are a collaborative effort, so communication is crucial (Regardless of posting speed.) So I'd imagine, if I had been doing any work or had been purposefully reserved. I'd speak up about it before any such concern arose. And I don't exactly understand how someone else's justified real life delays has somehow effected you, when you've posted elsewhere. But I'm not solely pointing fingers at you, as somebody else hasn't technically finished their sheet either and is now trying to restart their own RP. (And I mean it seriously, in a sense that I'd have the same thought process for anyone, including myself.) I also kindly reject the offer. Showing concern is showing interest in a roleplay, and is precisely the opposite of someone ready to jump ship.