[hider=Anwyn Apostolos] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Anwyn Apostolos[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/396c7dab-3bb0-41c7-a116-206e21de128b/dacc41i-0df7af26-799d-49e7-ae3c-d0d8670dbb1b.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=F9E79F]Name:[/color][/b] Anwyn Apostolos [b][color=F9E79F]Titles:[/color][/b] Songblade of the Oceana [b][color=F9E79F]Aliases:[/color][/b] Ann, Annie, Wynny [b][color=F9E79F]Age:[/color][/b] 22 [b][color=F9E79F]Race/Ethnicty:[/color][/b] Siren [b][color=F9E79F]Continent of Origin:[/color][/b] The Bog [b][color=F9E79F]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=F9E79F]Class/Subclass:[/color][/b] Lore Bard [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Stats[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=F9E79F]Strength:[/color][/b] 10 [b][color=F9E79F]Dexterity:[/color][/b] 14 [b][color=F9E79F]Constitution:[/color][/b] 5 [b][color=F9E79F]Intelligence:[/color][/b] 14 [b][color=F9E79F]Wisdom:[/color][/b] 15 [b][color=F9E79F]Charisma:[/color][/b] 17 [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=F9E79F]Height:[/color][/b] 171 cm [b][color=F9E79F]Weight:[/color][/b] 63 kg [b][color=F9E79F]Appearance Description:[/color][/b] Unlike most of her kin, Anwyn is considered relatively short compared to the rest of the Sirens in the Bogs Nest. Among humans, she is of average height and seemingly fit. Athletic and toned, her legs are long and muscular while her figure is hour glass shaped. If not for the golden scales that dot her dark grey complexion, particularly around her face, she would easily pass for a typical human. Lips thick, and nose slender and pointed at the end, Anwyns eyes are a large dark brown framed with long lashes and golden scales. They too hold a golden tint at night only due to a thick lens that allows her to see clearly while under water. [b][color=F9E79F]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b] While most temperatures, besides the cold, are no bother to her Anwyn prefers to wear loose shirts and fitted pants pulling out her winter cloak or gloves if the weather calls for it. Wearing one particular outfit often, Anwyn is usually seen clothed in a loose white blouse that clings to her waist thanks to a leather laced corset. Fitted black nylon leggings and thigh high brown leather boots cover her legs, and a belt carrying her water pouch, coin purse, and rapier hangs around her waist. [b][color=F9E79F]Strengths:[/color][/b][list][*]People Person[*]Intuitive[*]Adaptability[/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Weaknesses:[/color][/b][list][*]Cold Temperatures:[*]Ranged Weapons[*]Unimaginative Minds[*]Impatience[/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=F9E79F][center]Intuitive * Flirtatious * Curious * Empathetic[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=F9E79F]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Pansexual [b][color=F9E79F]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=F9E79F]Personality:[/color][/b] Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. It was something said to her by a merchant in River Run when she was still young and naive. Lessons learned over time she came to live by these words, holding true to them in every bit of her nature. Anwyn has always been a curious girl, eager to learn and understand different things outside of her culture. As a child this lead her into trouble with both her family and the nest, but stubborn and headstrong, Anwyn has never been one to give up on something easily or without good reason to. Never one to rush into things without a plan of action, Anwyn has learned to take things carefully and with great detail. This cautious and over-prepping way of life has kept her alive in many sticky situations but has made her prone to overthinking or over-analyzing a situation or person. Anwyn is always eager for a good conversation or story however, at times even forcing herself into others conversations which, more than often, can be seen as obnoxious or overbearing. Despite knowing this, Anwyn still loves to meet and learn about others, believing that everyone person has a story to tell. This interest has allowed her to become empathetic of others, trying her best in every situation to understand another's pain or passion. Priding herself in her intuitive nature and capabilities in reading others Anwyn can come off a bit pushy and a little more familiar than most people are comfortable with. The concept of love is something she holds dearly, seeing it within her parents, the other Sirens of the nest, and those she's met during her travels. Gentle, fragile, passionate, and honest. It is her belief that such a love awaits her on her travels, believing that her true love is not within the nest but out in the open world waiting for her. With this idea in mind, Anwyn has attempted to find this love many times. Experiencing many fleeting and drawn out relationships, she still holds this idea close to her heart despite her lack of committed partners. A bleeding heart for romance, she's learned to deal with heartache through poetry or drowning her sorrows in alcohol or ale. Drinking has always been a favorite hobby of hers, be it social or by herself, her love for spirits and ale are well known in the town bars that she's stopped preformed at in Carthus. Both as a pick-me-up and a numbing agent, Anwyns typical nature is usually exaggerated under the influence. Extremely flirtatious, prone to reciting a ballad, or serenading the prettiest thing near her. Under the wrong circumstances her bleeding heart emerges and her songs share her angst and pain. [b][color=F9E79F]Habits:[/color][/b][list][*]Singing Outloud[*]Eavesdropping[*]Nosiness[*]Overthinking[/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Hobbies:[/color][/b][list][*]Reading & Writing Poetry[*]Drinking[*]Singing & Dancing[*]Flirting[/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Fears:[/color][/b][list][*]Deep Water[*]Returning Home to the Nest[*]The Unknown[*]Blood[*]Death[/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Likes:[/color][/b][list][*]Preforming[*]Singing[*]Interesting People[*]Alcohol[*]Cats[*]Spicy Food[*]Rain[/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Dislikes:[/color][/b][list][*]Sweets[*]Birds[*]Humorless or Serious People[*]Darkness[*]Hollowed Men[*]Seafood[*][/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [list] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Skill:[/color][/b] Swordsmanship - Particularly Rapier proficiency [indent]Training under her kin to become a Guardian of her Nest, Anwyn has learned the basics on wielding many melee based weapons. Her favor and proficiency leaning towards a Rapier it's Fencing style.[/indent] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Skill:[/color][/b] Horseback Riding [indent]A basic skill she learned during her early exploration of Carthus, however Anwyn prefers to travel on foot. [/indent] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Skill:[/color][/b] Athleticism [indent]During her years training in the Bog, the requirements that followed being a Guardian was absolute fitness, both in health and flexibility. Practicing this same exercise regiment during her travels still, Anwyn has kept herself fit and agile.[/indent] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Skill:[/color][/b] Preforming [indent]If there's one thing Anwyn is good at, it's preforming for her audience. Capable of holding the attention of many without needing to charm them with her magic, her reputation stands as one of the better showmen and Bardic entertainers within Vicilles and Northern Astoria.[/indent] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Skill:[/color][/b] Outdrinking Others [indent]Despite her race, Anwyn prides herself in her drinking skills. Years of preforming at bars with The Herald and her by herself has warranted her quite a few free drinks and a hard tolerance. Serenading the richest man or woman in the room has also worked, but betting her tab against the town alcoholics and winning has always been more fun.[/indent] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Skill:[/color][/b] Swimming & Breathing Underwater [indent]As a Siren, Anwyn is an adept swimmer. Capable of swimming great distances at fast paces, she was lucky enough that her own clan still carried their ancestors ability of breathing underwater. This is made obvious by the gills that open along the sides of her neck and torso.[/indent] [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Magic[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=E59866][b]A Bards Tale[/b][/color][list] [*][color=DC7633]Main Stage[/color] [indent]Requiring eye contact with her target, Anwyn can glamour or charm another person or being with a slow and enticing melody. If her song finishes the charm lasts a total of two minutes making Anwyn the center of attention for the glamoured. Allowing her suggestions to seem like commands, and her questions to almost always be answered, those with a strong will, or a stubborn nature can easily fight the effects. If she were to play the melody again to the same person or being, the effects would stack but wouldn't be near as strong as before.[/indent] [*][color=D35400]Vicious Mockery[/color] [indent]A harsh and off-tune melody is played as all enemies in earshot are put into a state of confusion and rage. While their attacks are more powerful, enemies effected by the melody are prone to missing and hurting themselves. This effect can be broken if the melody is interrupted.[/indent] [*][color=BA4A00]Will-o'-the-Wisps[/color] [indent]Childlike and playful, the melody calls forth the spirits of the forest. Appearing in the form of floating luminescent blue flames, the Wisps dance to the tune lighting the area in a five foot radius. On roads or trails, the Wisps will light up the path most taken or recently used. If an enemy is close by or within their radius of light the Wisps will turn a bright red.[/indent] [*][color=A04000]Healing Melody[/color] [indent]A soft and comforting tune, those in earshot distance of her melody have their wound or injuries healed over time. The longer the song lasts the more those effected by her performance are healed. This applies to enemies as well.[/indent] [*][color=873600]Epic Illusion[/color] [indent]Powerful and passionate, this Melody can create grand illusions. From detailed moving images and pictures of great points in history, to an almost exact replica of herself or another person, Anwyn can bring anything she imagines to life. If the melody is interrupted or the Illusion is touched it will disappear.[/indent][/list] [color=7DCEA0][b]Songblade of the Oceana[/b][/color][list] [*][color=52BE80]Battle Focus[/color] [indent]A single target ability, when going into en-garde position the rapier gives off a sharp shriek that vibrates through Anwyns body and enemies around her. If activated with a roll of the wrist creating a deep hum, Anwyn enters a more concentrated state that heightens her senses and awareness of the area around her and on the focused target.[/indent] [*][color=229954]Strike True[/color] [indent]Taking first position and going into the salute, the flick and point of her blade emits a soft hum that vibrates through Anwyns body. Enhancing her agility and precision instead of raw strength, Anwyn is capable of striking quickly and hitting vital spots of an enemy. Her strength doesn't center around raw power or the ability to tank damage, but to output critical strikes with precision and speed making her quite the glass cannon.[/indent] [*][color=229954]Horrid Song[/color] [indent]By rolling her wrist and waving her Songblade in a circular motion the rapier emits a deep and ominous hum. Enemies in earshot are filled with a sense of dread, often making weaker creatures run away while stronger ones are more hesitant to attack with their full strength.[/indent] [*][color=196F3D]Blade Dance[/color] [indent]Activating Strike true by going into first position and salute, a roll and flick of the wrist creatures a ringing hum from her Songblade. When attacking an opponent Anwyn can jump to another target, as long as they're within a five foot radius of her, as if she's attacking the same enemy for a second time. This ability can only stay active if Anwyn is able to keep the ringing tune by jumping to other targets in continuous succession.[/indent] [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Possessions[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=F9E79F]Possessions Generally On Person:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Coin Purse [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Fox Fur Gloves [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Winter Cloak [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Water Pouch [/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Weapons:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Dagger [/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Armor:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Leather Corset [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Padded Leather Vambraces [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Leather Greaves [/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Pack Contents:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Personal Journal [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Quill & Ink [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Lantern Oil [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Dried Meat Rations [/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Magical Items:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Rapier - Songblade of the Oceana [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Ring of Warmth [/list] [b][color=F9E79F]Potions:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Soothing Oil [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Potion of Healing [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Cleansing Water [*] [b][color=F9E79F]Item:[/color][/b] Essence of Fire [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=F9E79F]History:[/color][/b]Born in the Bog outside of River Run in Vicilles, Anwyn was the youngest of 349 among her family of Siren. The largest family among the nest, 3 generations of her clan lived their lives out within the Bog. Their once vast Ocean uninhabitable, her family came to the Bog more than a century ago. Adapting to their new way of life but sticking to traditions, the waters of the Bog were habitable enough that many other Sirens came to call it home, following in her families footsteps and living safely under the protection of the Apostolos. As the largest family, many of Kin became Guardians of their waters, protecting their people and their way of life. As tradition in her family, the 30 youngest were to join the rest of her family in the pact. Training under her many cousins, aunts and uncles, by the age of 16 she came to be proficient with many basic weapons, coming to favor a rapier as matured. The many visitations to River Run lead to her interest in the world outside of her nest. This interest did not go unnoticed by her mother or father, and as her trips to River Run became more frequent word traveled fast to the Nest Elders. The old ways of her people were still held strong by her nest, forbidding too much interaction with Foreigners of her kind. This did not sit well with the Elders, as her behavior and interests were considered reckless and a danger to the Nest, she was given an ultimatum to decide on. Honor her kin and their way of life, or be disowned by the Nest. Still young and naive, Anwyns bond with her family meant much more than her own curiosity and at the time, the world outside of the nest was unknown to her. It was both terrifying and fascinating, and despite her she would abide by the Elders words Earning the trust of her parents and the Elders she was permitted to accompany a small caravan of her people to River Run to purchase and barter with their own supplies. It was here that she met a man she only came to know as the Herald. His performance had gathered and large crowd, catching her own attention which inevitably lead her to separate from her siblings and people. He told the story of the War of Splitting Branches, dancing and playing his pan flute. A Bardic Mage, his music created illusions above that told the story, while the tune and melody kept Anwyn and the Crowd entranced. Holding a great impression over the young Siren she had approached him after the performance, asking him question after question until he finally gave her the answer she was seeking. [center]"A life not lived is not a life at all."[/center] This epiphany had opened her eyes, realizing the cage she had put herself in upon abiding by the Elders ultimatum. Her kind didn't live for very long as the waters of the land were only so habitable, and with the strict traditions that kept her Nest reclusive and void of progression, Anwyn realized that this was not the life she wanted to live. Returning home with her kin, she gathered basic items in a knapsack, including her rapier and a coral flute she had crafted many years ago for herself, Anwyn left her Nest never to return at the fear of parents and Elders disapproval. Her return would only mean her exile, and that thought combined with her disappointment her parents might have harbored towards her now, the Siren vowed to never return to her Nest. Travelling all over Vicilles, Anwyn met many throughout her travels, but at the border of Vicelles near Cambridge she met the Herald once again. It was at this meeting that he offered to take her under his wing and teach her the art of a Bard. Their magic, lifestyle and honor. To be a storyteller and historian of the land, the voice of the long forgotten, and a guardian of the arts and free speech. It was everything she had ever wanted, and together with the Herald he showed her a new life. It was these times that Anwyn grew the most, branching out of her racial traditions that had restricted her from the foreign world for so long. Preforming for audiences far and wide she met other artists, magical beings and creatures, learning their stories and magic as she journeyed through Carthus with The Herald. On her 20th birthday, Anwyn was presented with a gift from the Herald. Taking her Rapier and sheath, The Herald enchanted her blade, hollowing out the inside as it was transformed into a Songblade. When sheathed the blade became a magical instrument, exchanging her old coral flute for an instrument that would allow Anwyn to channel her magic and preform properly for her audience or enemies. This gift came with a price however; The Herald felt there was no more he could teach her, and while she assured him that was not the case, she was left with one final vow from her master, "We will meet again, and when we do, tell me of your story Anwyn. By then I'm sure it will be an incredible tale to tell." Since then Anwyn has been on her own, preforming for the people and creatures of Carthus in search of where her story will begin. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=F9E79F][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=F9E79F]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "He who has the first word, has the last laugh." "Better to strike true, then strong." "A life not lived is not a life at all." [b][color=F9E79F]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsOsuVDkqfo]Theme[/url][/hider]