[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/a87cd5c.jpg[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjRmODYwOS5TbUZ5Y21WcklFZGhjbkpsZEdodmNtNCwuMwAA/cuomotype.regular.png[/img] [hr] [hr] Millington, a town blanketed in lies; on the outside it looked quaint and pristine, filled with its little cafes and dog parks. Jarrek however knew the truth, that the small town was a corrupt cesspool filled with liars, thieves, hookers and blackjack. One of these days he was gonna blow the whistle, burn this whole town to the ground and wipe it off the map; they'd never get another 5 star review on TripAdvisor ever again. Driving downtown in his mighty [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2f/62/e0/2f62e00ed5b38525a4d45c6becaea97a.jpg]Steed[/url], Jarrek's eyes scoured every building, every person, every dog and cat that he almost ran over, searching for even an inkling of evidential course that would lead him to his next bust. The question was, what evidence was he looking for that was going to lead him to who done gone and did it? That was the one thing really wracking his brain the past couple of weeks, despite all his effort and resources, he was simply stumped. The red threads only traveled so far on his wall, there was one missing link that could lead him to the source. It was only a matter of time before he stumbled upon it, even if he had to conduct tests on every scraping of blood, sweat or semen to find the proof in the bodily pudding. He wasn't above breaking the law either, he'd certainly spent some nights in the precinct, mostly for petty stuff though. Going back Jarrek recounted some of his misdemeanors, like breaking and entering, vandalism, disturbing the peace...he punched a cop once, that didn't go over so well, had to flea the county after that number. Lost in his own thoughts he barely had time to register the soon to be asphalt planted person in front of his car, before abruptly slamming his brakes and honking his horn. Swerving out of the way he nearly hit a second person before his car collided into a parked car, crumpling up their benders in the process. When the dust had settled Jarrek was visibly and irrationally angry at the situation he landed himself into, [color=7CFC00]"GODDAM- MOTHER FUCKI- COCK SUCKI- WHORES!!!!"[/color] Each swear was met with a jostling ragdoll movement of a very frustrated(fat) man, which in turn jostled his car. Attempting to open the door, he realized he was stuck in his car as the door [i]barely[/i] budged and angrily started rolling down his window. Once opened he struggled to pull himself through it, with all the aggressiveness of a water buffalo, his fat rolls constrained against the tiny opening, before suddenly popping out and landing back first onto the concrete. [color=7CFC00]"SON OF A BITCH!!!"[/color] Pulling himself up, all the while breathing heavily he searched for his distraction that lead to the unfortunate vehicular collision. Eyeing up his target he started on his tangent [color=7CFC00]"YOU ASSHOLE, LOOK AT WHAT you made..me...do......"[/color] Inexplicably the oil canister that was about to explode, suddenly calmed as a realization hit him. [i]The Reverend...OF COURSE!!![/i] Suddenly giddy with joy, Jarrek believed himself to have found the next avenue to the missing link, the reverend was part of the church, church and state were separate, freedom of speech, press, religion, it was [b]PERFECT![/b] [color=7CFC00]"GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THE U.S. CONSTITUTION!!!"[/color] Jarrek was practically weeping with joy at this sudden epiphany, lacking any empathy at the damage he caused or the lives he nearly ruined, and completely oblivious to the detective inside the pizza shop. Shoving past his second near accidental kill of the day he hastily approached the Reverend. [color=7CFC00]"Jarrek Garrethorn, Millington Post, do you have any comments on the sudden disappearance of Mr. Reese and his youngest daughter?!"[/color] In ten seconds flat Jarrek had gone from pissed to invasive and he was not above listing off potential kidnappers. He didn't care who they were, so long as they were exposed, whether it was ISIS, the KKK or hell even the goddamn Canadians; where do they got off having free health care?[/center] [@Snagglepuss89] [@The Muse] [@Katthaj]