[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img] [/center][color=darkgoldenrod][indent][sub][B]Location[/B] [COLOR=SILVER][I]Hyrkania[/I] - [I]Vanaheim[/I][/COLOR][/sub][sup][right][b]Issue #2.05:[/b] [COLOR=SILVER][I]New Mike[/I][/COLOR][/right][/sup][/indent][/color][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]|[/COLOR] [color=black][B][sub]The Past[/sub][/B][/color] [INDENT]Blood splayed across Thor’s face as his upper lip twisted into a snarl. The axe in his hand cleanly severing the violet-hued skin of the Kalanorian, scraping against the bones of his opponent’s forearm. A howl of pain erupted from the fin-headed alien as the crowd of Vanir cheered at the freshly spilled blood. Spinning the axe around, Thor swung it over his head as his purple skinned foe barely deflected the blowing, struggling to raise his shield in time to block the falling blade. Wildly swinging his sword in retaliation, Thor lept backward as the point of the blade narrowly avoided his bare abdomen. Fur and scraps of leather covered his dignity and little else as he shifted his footing, digging his bare feet into the burning sand that covered the entirety of the Pit’s bloodied arena. Letting out a roar, Thor charged forward, both hands gripping either end of the weapon’s long handle as he swung it low before suddenly lifting it up as he caught the Kalanorian below the shield and lifted the other man into the air before dropping him to the ground. [b][color=#b8860b]“Send Hel my regards.”[/color][/b] He spat before severing the man’s head from his shoulders as he drove the axe blade repeatedly into the man’s neck. Warm blood splattered across his torso as Thor raised his weapon triumphantly and turned towards the crowd. [b][color=#b8860b]“In fact,”[/color][/b] He roared, [b][color=#b8860b]“All of you can send Hel my [i]damned[/i] regards!”[/color][/b] Thor added before charging towards the barricaded door as he jumped from the ground, burying the axe into the thick wood as he tried to pull himself over the gate. Suddenly a lasso wrapped itself around his ankle, the cord beginning to glow as Thor let out a cry of pain before he was pulled from the air back towards the ground. Hitting the sand with a hard thud, Thor let out another cry of pain as he kicked at the binding wrapped around his leg, the glowing cord sending spasms of agony through his entire body with each resistive movement. Dragged across the sand by the Vanir Guard, Thor managed to push himself up before launching into the air as he delivered a fist into the face of his new opponent. A satisfying ‘crunch’ echoed from the man’s skull as his nose broke under the force of the blow, his weapon falling from his hand as Thor caught it and severed the agonizing lasso in a smooth, fluid motion. Gritting his teeth as the gate opened and let more guards into the arena, Thor spun the sword in his hand around before charging forward as he vocalized his resistance. [b][color=#b8860b]“Til Valhalla!”[/color][/b] He roared rushing forward, the blade in his hand swinging wildly as he deflected spear after spear away from his body. But deflecting the heads of the weapons wasn’t enough as the Guard twisted the grips on the handles, a beam of energy bursting out of the weapons as it burned Thor and staggered the frenzied Asgardian. [color=#cccccc]“Restrain him!”[/color] A guard’s voice echoed over the din as another lasso found its way to one of Thor’s wrists as another wrapped around his opposite arm. Fighting through the pain, Thor let out a primal roar as wrapped the chords around his hands and pulled the guards towards him. Sliding through the sand, the other guards began to pile on as rope after rope wrapped around Thor’s arm, dragging the Asgardian to his knees. [b][color=#b8860b]“Kill me you cowards!”[/color][/b] Thor roared as his hands were forcibly bound together by the burning bindings before he was dragged forward, spears prodding at his back as he was matched towards the slave barracks. Trying his best to resist, Thor fought to no avail before he was suddenly forced inside, his bindings released before suddenly he was kicked down a flight of stairs, coming to a halt on the cold, hard, cobbled-stone floor. [b][color=#666666]“Hey, hey hey! Over here!”[/color][/b] A cheerful voice called out as Thor slowly opened his eyes, his head spinning as raised a hand to the right temple and began to massage it with the base of his right palm. Sitting up, Thor took in his surroundings as light and dust filtered in from the barred window that lined the base of the Pit’s area as he looked around the gladiator barracks. From the corner, the source of the voice stood as Thor jumped to his feet, quickly moving backward. The creature’s jagged features casting an off-putting image as he continued forward. Suddenly a hand was thrust out towards Thor as the Kronian smiled before speaking said again, [b][color=#666666]“Take it easy man, the pile of rocks waving at you. Yeah, I'm actually a thing. I'm a being. Allow me to introduce myself. Hello, my name is Korg. As you can see, I’m made of rocks but don’t let that intimidate you.”[/color][/b] He chuckled, [b][color=#666666]“Unless of course you’re made out of scissors.”[/color][/b] He added, opening and closing two of his three fingers as Thor made a confused face. [b][color=#b8860b]“Scissors?”[/color][/b] He asked as Korg shook his head before turning his gaze before Thor’s shoulder as the Asgardian spun around coming face to face with a smaller alien as it stared back at him, his dark, beady eyes set into a rough face. [b][color=#666666]“Oh no, that little guy there is Groot, he’s made of tree, not scissors.”[/color][/b] [color=#a0522d]“I [i]am[/i] Groot.”[/color] The strange little creature stated as Thor raised an eyebrow before patting it on the head. [b][color=#b8860b]“Nice to meet you, Tree.”[/color][/b] He said with a forced smile. [color=#a0522d]“I am [b]Groot[/b].”[/color] The little creature repeated motioning towards its chest as Thor ignored it and turned towards Korg with a nod of acknowledgment. [b][color=#b8860b]“Same to you, Rock,”[/color][/b] Thor replied as a thunderous roar of applause echoed from the stadium above as the next fight was about to begin. Moving towards the grate, Thor boosted him up to watch as the first combatant walked out onto the sand. Looking away from the unfolding fight, Thor turned back once more towards Korg as he hopped down onto the cold stone floor. [b][color=#b8860b]“So, how does one get out of here.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#666666]“By beating the Grand Master’s Champion.” [/color][/b]Korg replied with a wave of his hand as he resumed sitting, sinking down against a nearby wall. [b][color=#b8860b]“Has anyone in here fought the champion?”[/color][/b] Thor asked as Korg shook his head before pointing towards another body sitting in the darkness. [b][color=#666666]“Mikael has!”[/color][/b] Korg replied as he began to shout across the barracks. [b][color=#666666]“Hey, hey Mike!”[/color][/b] [color=#a0522d]“[sub]I am Groot[/sub].”[/color] [b][color=#666666]“Oh that’s right.”[/color][/b] Korg replied looking towards the small creature before looking back at Thor. [b][color=#666666]“Mike’s dead. Anyone who faces the champion perishes.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#b8860b]“What about you?”[/color][/b] Thor asked, [b][color=#b8860b]“You’re made of rocks.”[/color][/b] [color=#a0522d]“I a m G r o o t.”[/color] Groot stated as Korg nodded in agreement. [b][color=#666666]“Perishable rocks. There you go. Another one gone. Yeah, no, I just do the smaller fights, warm up the crowd and whatnot. Wait. You’re not gonna face them, are you?”[/color][/b] [b][color=#b8860b]“Yes,”[/color][/b] Thor stated. [b][color=#b8860b]“Yes I am, I’m going to face them and then get the hell out of this hole.”[/color][/b] Suddenly the crowd was worked into a frenzy as the very foundation of the colosseum-like stadium began to shake. Turning back towards the grates above, Thor pulled himself up to watch as Korg stood beside him, Groot climbing onto his shoulder as the three fighters watched a cloaked figure begin to emerge from the far gate. [color=#a0522d]“[i]IamGroot[/i]!”[/color] The growing Colossus Flora stated as Korg nodded. [b][color=#666666]“That’s them, that’s the Grand Champion.”[/color][/b] The Kronian stated as the crowd began to chant, one name repeated over and over, echoing across the entire stadium. [b][color=#cccccc]“SONJA!”[/color][/b] [b][color=#cccccc]“SONJA!”[/color][/b] [b][color=#cccccc]“SONJA!”[/color][/b] Walking forward, the guards ripped the cloak from the figure. Her hair glistened in the sun, the colour red like fresh blood spilled over the shoulders of the lean, well-endowed figure. The majority of her skin was exposed, only her dignity covered by a few pieces of perfectly fitted chainmail. [CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/g3r966N.jpg?1[/img][/CENTER] [b][color=#b8860b]“Oh, [i]her[/i]? I can beat her.” [/color][/b]Thor smirked towards Korg as the fight began above. [color=#a0522d]“[i]I[/i] am Groot.”[/color] The small tree creature spoke up as Korg nodded. [b][color=#666666]"Oh! Y’know that's exactly what Mike used to say! I’m going to call you New Mike!"[/color][/b] Korg said as Thor eagerly watched the woman move into action. [b][color=#b8860b]“What do they call her?”[/color][/b] He asked as a smile crossed his face. [b][color=#666666]“Red Sonja.”[/color][/b][/INDENT][/INDENT]