Janius stood up with the motion to move on. "Very well," he said. "If Thorantilth was right, perhaps we shall see Julan and your father getting along famously." Walking alongside her, Janius took Kaleeth's hand and gave her a smile. "Say, Kaleeth, don't take this the wrong way, but...was it the Hist that reminded you of Meesei just now? Or did you just remember yourself?" [hr] "I will present them the opportunity." Fendros paused and glanced down modestly. "Mother is nothing if not prideful, but I think I can convince her to allow you to cook, Shevari. Either way, if you would not mind hosting -- Gwindir, S'nashi -- I think that would be best." Fendros gave Ahnasha a brief look. His face quirked in just a hint of his underlying worry. "I take it you will have your own business to attend to for the rest of the day?" Fendros asked. "Where might we find you to pass along the response from my family?"