Cyrdic was often too amazed at Camilla's grace and acrobatic agility, and it served her well here. He could instead focus on himself and he just barely kept the charred creature that had once been the regent from ripping his stomach open, both of them ending up in a pile of snow on the wall. Cyrdic was tired, but he had a frenzied strength to his limbs. Even damaged however, the Vampire's strength was almost overwhelming. In fact if the contest continued, it would have been. But after a few moment, Cyrdic's grip on the beast's wrist suddenly found nothing but air. It took the scarred soldier to realize that the Vampire's upper arm had completely disintegrated into ash, though it seemed to care little. Cyrdic's surprise at the collapse of the arm gave it a chance to pin Cyrdic's neck with its free arm as it tried to bite him. Cyrdic barely caught him with a fumbling grip, before Camilla's sword found the Vampire's exposed back and caused it to shriek, weakening its grip. She spoke in rapid, acidic Tilean as she began to hack him to bits with her runic sword, reducing him to little more than blackened pills of weakening ash that her Ostland lover had to brush off of him as the Vampire faded into nothingness. "Thank you." Cyrdic said, standing up and rubbing his neck. She gave him a peck on the cheek, and he gave her a smile that beamed even in the dark of night. But his brain caught up with him, and he realized the regent's clothing was still there. "We better check it," he said. Camilla went to it, using her lithe and nimble fingers to search for any concealed pockets. As she did so, Cyrdic made his way down the stairs to retrieve his fallen sword. They needed to go back to the Inn and get their armor. That is, if they decided to even fight at the walls. Cyrdic wasn't the kind of man to retreat, but he had friends and a lover to watch out for. "Ceedrik! He haz ay key!" He heard from above. "But Ido not know where ita goes to!" As she spoke, he was fastening his sword to his poor excuse for a belt and tying the knot tightly. This area of the city was relatively quiet despite the siege, with only little in the way of light that lingered blocks away like waiting apparitions. The Ostlander turned to go back up the stairs. "I-ll co-!" he began, and then stopped mid sentence, finally noticing where they were. Before him was a great wooden gate bound by iron, and a guard tower that rose into the sky, almost as large as a keep. The gate seemed almost impossible to open or move, and in fact it looked old. But he had seen such designs in gates before. There was a mechanism in the tower to open the gate. Cyrdic rushed up the stairs, suddenly realizing the danger Camilla was in, and he by extension. If Rishnekov was going to open the gate for a secondary Chaos force, that meant there were forces in wait on the otherside of the wall. Beasts and soldiers of the ruinous powers that likely heard the sing song voice of Camilla calling out, rather than the grinding of an opening gate... [@Penny]