The lad trusted him- that was good. Pieter'd have to work to keep that trust. Pieter had emptied the bottle of vinegar into the sea while Uban rambled and tied the rope around his waist. Going to check his knots, Pieter said, "Don't take anything they give you tonight. Don't follow them into the water. This is just an introduction, so ya won't have to say much. Just say hi and stay quiet. Don't worry about staring- there's a reason why I roped ya up. I met a lady earlier today- they're not real busty round these parts, you gotta go further south for that." The ropes were secure- even drunk as hell and in the middle of night, he could tie a knot. A warmth grew in Pieter's heart that had nothing to do with the wine he'd had. "Alright, ropes are fine. Let's get ya out there." Leading Uban to the sea, he stopped where the sea foam hissed around their ankles. Despite the frigidness of the water, Pieter didn't flinch. Holding his lantern high, he called, "Ladies, I've come to talk to you." A moment of silence followed. Pieter packed his pipe, tapping the bit against his teeth. He glanced at Uban next to him, the thick rope tied around his waist. He looked at the stars for a moments. The Rose was high in the sky tonight, and The Gardener rose not far behind it. Three women surfaced several meters away from them in the water. Pieter recognized the one on the left- the blonde mermaid with the childlike eyes. Next to her was a woman who could have been her older sister, their hair was the same, but the older sister didn't smile. The final woman was tan, with dark hair rolling down her shoulders in ringlets. Her eyes were kept close, though she acted like she could see the men on the shore. Bare chested, they bobbed in the water, watching the men. Taken singularly, they were lovely, together, they were intoxicating. Pieter puffed on his pipe nonchalantly, grasping the rope in one hand. Addressing them, he said, "Nice night out, huh ladies?"