[@Shadow Dragon] Ophion thought about it for a moment. "Good questions. First, I sell all kinds of magical items except for those related to necromancy and demonology. Second, it depends on the item in quest. I personally enscribe my own scrolls, and my wife helps me with potions. I also enchant most of my items, but I also buy some second-hand. As for assistance, I suppose I could use some, but you'll need to keep in mind what I told you earlier; no necromancy. Not even a 'harmless little bit' thrown in to 'make things easier', as some foolish mages put it." [@bloonewb] Ternoc was unable to come in person to see Ardasa off, but in his stead came a messenger carrying a large chest. "Lady Ardasa! Hold on!" The skittish-looking male dracon ran up to her, nearly running into her, in fact. He took a moment to catch his breath. "My lord, the Grand Prince Ternoc bade me to give you these crowns. One for you, another for your lord and husband, Rughoi." He opened the chest to show her the contents. Inside were the crowns and a letter from the grand prince. It read: [i]My dear lady, it has been a pleasure showing you around my city, rough around the edges though it may be. I look forward to our next meeting and hope that we can correspond again. Please let your husband know what has transpired here, and bade him to accept his crown; his is the larger of the two in the chest. Best wishes, Grand Prince Ternoc.[/i] "My lord has also commanded me to tell you that the route out of Hekaga has been prepared for you. The main gates are open and the main road leading out of the city has been cleared."