Well at least Rob could now know this guy paid attention to his surroundings, that was a good trait to have. Unless you wanted to be eaten. Rob didn't really want to give away his position. Rob looked at the female stranger once again and shrugged. "Well this is awkward" he muttered to himself, gripping his bat hard enough for his knuckles to whiten, Rob peaked out his head and gave a big grin. "Hey...." This, he hoped was a good decision. Seeing as there was no where to immediately retreat without making a little noise. As well for the fact that if he said hello now the man might trust him just a little more, and that. As Rob knew, could make a huge difference. He turned his head to the Female stranger, "Umm...Oh right! Hello, I guess there's no point in trying to be all quiet now....umm, if you wouldn't mind, what's your name?" He questioned her with a friendly tone, but yet had that feeling that he asked that to anyone for the point of his own advantage.