[center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6d/Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg/120px-Flag_of_the_Japanese_Emperor.svg.png[/img][/center] To understand the political and social situation of the Kitagawa Shogunate, we first must understand the history of the Yamato during 1837 War of Human Subjugation. Historically, the land was divided between warring states of Samurai and Daimyo as each faction aim for total control of the Home Island, [i]Ookijima[/i] or "Big Island". When a Daimyo did succeed in unifying the homeland, a shogunate would be proclaimed and would rule until his dynasty was overthrown and sent to live as peasants. This was the status quo that occurred for many centuries until the Yllendyr Empire showed up. This was a complete overhaul of the status quo as gunpowder and iron-clad ships were introduced into the conflict. As you can imagine, swords and bows against cannons and rifles make for a very one-sided war. A very humiliating war for the Yamato. And when the Shogun Emperor surrendered, the Yamato expect him to be exiled but instead the entire island was shocked to hear that he was executed. A punishment only reserved for the most dishonorable or despicable ruler, which the Shogun EMperor was neither of those. So this should come to no surprise that when it was known that the Conqueror of the Yamato died from illness in February 2nd 1901 (Takagi 12), the entire Shogunate erupted with two emotions. As one Yamato historian would put it: "Half of the nation was celebrating his death through the joy of Sake. The other half took this as an opportunity to organize the independence of the Shogun Emperor." Indeed, so ferocious was the celebration nearly 40% of all villages, towns, and cities of the Shogunate literally ran out of sake and other alcoholic drinks. Meanwhile, the more diligent citizens of the Shogunate began to immediately organize a near-future "restoration" of the Shogun Emperor's throne and began drawing plans for expelling all the Yllendyr armed forces from the country. The levels of discretion range from highly covert to the painfully obvious as militias began to reorganize into more professional army divisions. Even the Shogun Emperor Eikou was risking his life and the integrity of his people by secretly issuing Order 17, a secret plan to weed out the spy network of the highly feared Securitariat. Only the most trusted Samurai were given this order though it will not be carried out to its fullest extent until the entire Imperial Military stationed in the Shogunate was captured and/or expelled. To the world, this inevitable nation-wide revolt will be known as the Boshin Plot or the Samurai Powderkeg. 60 years of unjust rule has finally reached a boiling point as rebellion was as thick as fog and independence as clear as diamonds. By nightfall, there are planned attacks on Imperial camps and forts by overzealous militiamen armed with modern artillery and rifles, but first, the Yamato need their countrymen to get sober and stop being drunk. February 3rd will witness 24 hours of constant fighting as very known Imperial camp will be attacked at some point during the day and night. --- [i]Outskirts of Treaty Port of Nilrandell, Imperial Province of Kitagawa[/i] Suda Totoya was quietly drinking Chrysanthemum tea as he sat cross legged in front of his dorm as if he was meditating. Like many of his Yamato brethren, he spent the entirety of yesterday screaming his lungs out in celebration and crying tears of joy when the news of Emperor Naerzo finally succumbing to his illness. [i]Patience[/i] Suda thought as he relaxed his breathing, [i]Soon, we will be free of Imperial yoke.[/i] He already knew that three of his Yamato comrades have deserted the camp the night before after hearing of the news. No doubt they will be returning with pretty much two divisions worth of men to take this port city by force if necessary. The day went by like a blur and Suda went on with his usually routine of personal training and inventory management. The moon was bright when he finally got bored and he secretly wondered what's taking so long for this port city to be captured. By all rights, he should've deserted as soon as he heard of the news but Suda is a Totoya and Totoyas don't backstab. Instead, he planned to surrender when the Shogunate forces arrive.