[i]"Um, I think so."[/i] Julan answered, standing up and facing his parents. [i]"He asked me a bunch of questions, and I...think he's happy with everything. But...now he wants me to go fight some people...or something?"[/i] Zharanthixil did not give Janius time to question what Julan was saying before he stepped in to elaborate. "I want him to be tested according to the standards and customs of one of our hunters. I have spoke to the boy, examined him, and I shall admit, it seems you have done more for him than I would have expected. He is strong for a boy of his age, and though you have obviously been putting him through some sort of odd...Imperial form of training, he was able to answer my questions on the basics of combat. I am not sure if he is a knowledgeable hunter; the kind of creatures he describes hunting do not exist in Black Marsh. He cannot ambush his quarry in the swamps by hiding in...[/i]snow[i], whatever that is."[/i] Zharanthixil stood as well, albeit more slowly. He was a tall man, but his limp and his cane removed much of the intimidation his presence once held. [i]"More to the point, a hunter's worth cannot be judged through simple questions alone. I want the chance to have my grandson join his people in earnest. To be a true equal among our hunters. We have several rites that a hunter may undertake to end their apprenticeship. The rites of the predator, might, endurance, or wit. An apprentice need only complete one to earn their marks, and their place among our hunters."[/i] [hr] Gwindir stood from his seat, with S'nashi following suit short after. He walked up alongside Fendros' chair and, with a wide smile, gave Fendros a few enthusiastic pats on the back. "I wouldn't worry so much, son, it'll be a great time for all of us. Your family included, you'll see. You are right that me and my wife do need to go meet with my associate. I told her that I would come meet with her as soon as we got settled in town, and she's not someone I think I should keep waiting. But, we [i]definitely[/i] should all get back together as soon as we can. Then, you can tell us all about how you got to the city so quickly."