[color=598527]"'Course the Augs flare up today, just enough to wake me up..."[/color] Weiland Voss had already been awake for nearly an hour before the time he was told a Lotus rep would be coming to fetch him, the dermal plates had been itching and aching to the point of rousing him from his slumber early. Nothing bad enough to warrant any use of Lupus, thankfully, but enough to keep him from going to sleep again. Fittingly, he altered the alarm on his PDA to be slightly earlier, to ensure he was properly dressed instead of opening the door half naked like some sort of Corp Sec thug. Granted, he was already dressed barring his greatcoat, which strictly speaking wasn't necessary, but given that he would likely be tasked with heading out straight away after the contract was confirmed, it paid well to be ready for anything. As part of that constant prep work, he was using this time before he needed to be ready to meet the higher ups for contract discussions to do routine maintenance on his weapons. The revolver had been first, and outside of regular cleaning and maintenance, was quick. The shotgun, however, took focus and a lot longer, though it was all muscle memory so it gave him time to think. Weiland suspected he was here in response to the bombing that recently occurred, and given how sudden his call to arms was, likely a panicked move. Or someone had their hands tied and needed assets to work outside their jurisdiction. Considering who he was likely to be meeting with, given what little information he could gather before being packed up and shipped out here, though in nicer terms of course, odds were he was in this for deniable operations. Something goes south in a hurry, Lotus can claim he was rogue or otherwise not involved officially. Typical business, far as he had gathered in his post military career leading up to this point, and it made enough sense that he took no offense to it. Reassembling his shotgun and slinging it onto his back, he thumbed the alarm on his PDA before it had buzzed more than once. It was time to finish getting ready, though that mostly involved grabbing his great coat, layered material that also helped conceal anything he had from a casual glance from the sides or rear, and throw it on. Good thing too, since the sound of an artificial door buzzer sounded just as he finished straightening his coat out, and with that he opened the door as he finished affixing the buckles on his right arm brace. Weiland, being only 5'10" himself, left him having to glance slightly upwards to meet the eyes of the woman sent to collect him. Rumors among the Lotus Corp Sec at the main building was that this was one Sam Hélios, and outside of the various unflattering remarks and chatter about her, he was able to glean a few useful things. Unique magical gifts, skilled hand to hand, one of the more senior, and powerful, people at Lotus Corp, at least here in Lotus City. A quick up and down glance, something that a trained eye would recognize as sizing them up in a threat evaluation manner (instead of the likely far more common lecherous manner), confirmed she was indeed here for purely business, and could more than likely handle herself in a hostile situation, at least in hand to hand. Sure enough, the slight appearance of the tattoo also confirmed her identity. Extending his hand for a brief, firm handshake, his tone was decidedly neutral, accent giving away his place of birth being within Germany. Keeping his gaze level with hers, Weiland presented himself as a professional first and foremost, as first impressions were key and, often times, hard to erase. [color=598527]"Frau Hélios, I presume? Corp Sec was rather chatty about you during my stay. Not all of it flattering, though you likely are aware of that."[/color] Weiland still used snippets of German, even when speaking other languages, an old habit of his, though in this case he could have said Ms. and, by most common standards, conveyed the exact same thing. Before falling in step rather easily, matching his pace to hers with practiced ease, following her lead but not overtaking in stride, or letting himself lag behind. He'd worked with his fair share of women in the German Army, and often found them easy to work with, at least the professional ones. Then again, gender did not make a lick of difference there, considering there were men who just wanted easy rides as well and tried to get by without putting due effort in. Such was life, but he refocused his thoughts both to any remarks that Frau Hélios might have responded with, and to the meeting with one Victor Hélios. Weiland was no stranger to family following in each other's footsteps, though he had quite earnestly abandoned his family lineage of scholars and scientists in favor of his own path, business was quickly focused on, something Weiland could work with just fine. [color=598527]"Yes, news was rather lively in discussions about the incident."[/color] Weiland kept his response rather neutral and brief, not making Victor wait on any sort of long winded babbling or needless conjecture to continue speaking on the matter that had brought Weiland to Lotus City. Once inside the small office, Weiland would remain standing, an old habit since he had not been invited to sit, and a hold over from military life that remained. Arms linked behind his back, he looked almost statuesque in nature, the sub dermal plates preventing the usual rise and fall of his chest in breathing, space having been allocated during surgery for that, so he almost looked mechanical at times. He was to operate in the Slums, track down the information brokers and do what was necessary to figure out who had sold the information, as well as who executed the terror attack itself. Do what he had to with the Brokers, lethal force being authorized as well. Frau Hélios would be accompanying him as a liason back to Lotus, which was unforseen, if Weiland was to be honest. He was then asked if he accepted the contract, and a rare rise of the corner of his mouth, indicative of a smile, appeared on his face. [color=598527]"Well, Herr Hélios, it would be rather foolish of me to come out all this way with the intent to tell you I refuse."[/color] Victor's disappointment in not being able to actually do anything had been apparent, meaning that it was likely he would be given broad tolerance in his choice of means when it came to executing orders and operations. Weiland could work with that, and his concern with Sam being present was not in her capability, but in her potential notoriety. Should she be recognized, she could be pinned as part of Lotus and, by extension, his own actions pinned to Lotus. Officially, of course, it could be explained away, but it was a concern of note all the same. Now, if Sam was not a public figure outside of the chatter in Corp Sec, it would not be nearly as much of a problem. [color=598527]"Point me in the right direction, Herr Hélios, and I will get to work right away. It will take time to dig up the right names, and have the right discussions, so the sooner started, the better. I presume that any information you have on these brokers already will be available for further study?"[/color] That, and his sub dermal plates were still aching, which he didn't let show, but it was an irritant all the same. This was going to be a long job, and a stiff drink and a good thump on the plate in the right place were sorely needed. But this was his business persona, focused on the task at hand. Normally he was kept on as muscle and intimidation, but he wasn't an idiot, far from it, so an investigation with bursts of potential violence was perfectly within the realm of his capabilities.