[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180629/9c1285d674507757316b93e854b98f63.png[/img][/center][right][color=gray][hr][b]Wall Rose[/b] Training Grounds[/color][hr][/right][indent]For the new cadet, the past two years had been a constant struggle. She had persevered through the Fall of Shiganshina, even going as far to save an individual she could've easily cast aside, yet the events that took place had left Tanner disgusted. Neighbor and friend alike betrayed each other for their own survival in Shiganshina, and even Tanner had used similar methods to ensure her own escape. Those that survived were treated like cattle, fed only small meals as they were forced to break rocks and clear fields for the nobles within Wall Sina. A rebellious spirit had been forming inside Tanner, and the King's ill-fated expedition only further angered the cadet. For now, however, Tanner had to bide her time. Tanner still desired to find the woman that she had been searching for, and it would not be long before the cadet could exact her vengeance on the very creatures that had stolen her home and family. [color=F7941D][b]"There's no pockets for you to steal from here, boy. How are you going to deal with that? Tell everyone your name!"[/b][/color] Snapping back into reality from her heat-induced daydreaming, Tanner momentarily glanced towards the head instructor, whom had been barking at a cadet who must've been a former criminal. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but they must've been standing rank and file for some time, evident by the sweat now dripping off her forehead. [color=#FFD967][i]So much for cutting it short,[/i][/color] Tanner thought, whom had been still waiting for her chance to be shouted and screamed at by the mad dog of an instructor. However, Schulz's words had struck a cord within Tanner, whom had disagreed with the treatment of the boy. Sure, he was a criminal, but at least he was here. No matter their status, these were youths that chose to put their life on the line for their own reasons, and it had seemed that Schulz had forgotten that. Nevertheless, was speaking out against Schulz the right option? Of course it wasn't. Tanner wasn't about to ruin her military career with a terrible start on day one.[/indent]